How to control stress | 14 ways to control stress

how to control stress | 14 ways to control stress


how to control stress
how to control stress

14 ways to control stress

 If you really want to benefit, want to reduce stress, and want to be happy, then read this article completely carefully and share it for the sake of Allah.

1. Don't take on too much responsibility:

Perform your duties and responsibilities with utmost sincerity. Don't take on more than you can manage in terms of duties. Don't accept requests. Otherwise, you will be under extra stress.

2. Don't worry about the other person.

Don't worry so much about people. Worrying about who is doing what is one of the reasons for increasing your own stress. Another problem will be that worrying about other people's affairs will create a tendency to compare yourself with others. You will feel stress in terms of money, social position, rank, car, house, ornaments, clothes, beauty, etc. So be happy with what Allah has given you, and thank Allah. Then you will feel absolute peace in your heart, inshallah.

3. Keep relationships limited:

One of the things that makes individuals stressed is having too many relationships. So keep limited relations with relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, classmates, etc. The more extensive the relationship, the more you will be caught in a web of obligations.

4. Don't be greedy:

A greedy person is obsessed with the thought of increasing money, wealth, status, etc. Who cares if a little money is lost or a job promotion is denied? So indulgence in little is very important for peace of mind and is also indicative of piety.

5. Don't sacrifice everything:

Don't squander your wealth and comfort beyond your means. People who artificially sacrifice their all expect thanks and appreciation from people in their words and behavior. But if he doesn't get it, then his mental instability and tension increase.

6. Leave the future to Allah:

Enjoy today well. Leave it to Allah to decide what will happen tomorrow. Along with worship, enjoy the blessings of Allah at ease. Do not increase mental stress by worrying about future worldly affairs.

7. Spend some time in solitude every day:

At this time, do not have a relationship with anyone in the world. Stay away from social media, especially the internet and social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.  You can criticise yourself and pray to Allah at this time. Then you will see that Almighty God will give you relief from mental stress, Insha'Allah.

8. Read the biographies of wise men:

If you read the wise men's advice and valuable sayings, then their life experience and advice will make your journey easier in the life of the world, Insha'Allah.

9. Trust the destiny written by Allah:

Do not worry too much about any dangers or problems in life, such as financial losses, bad results in exams, illnesses, etc. Rather, simply accept it. Remember, nothing happens outside the written destiny of Almighty Allah. There may be good in danger that is not outwardly visible to man. But surely Allah does nothing without wisdom.

10. Never take anything too seriously:

It is improper to take someone's every statement or deed seriously. Analyzing everything in depth is improper. Instead, focus on happiness and practice smiling when you meet new people. Let the fragrance of flowers come out in your speech and behavior. The mind will then be clear, and the level of stress will decrease, insha'Allah.

11. Give the body its due:

It is important to get the necessary food, sleep, and rest.

12. Make a daily important to-do list:

Make a list of your daily must-dos and work backwards from the top to the bottom. However, avoid getting into trouble while doing so. Always keep in mind that untidy activities lead to stress and increased emotional instability.

13. No one is perfect:

You should get rid of the idea that "every job should be done 100% accurately." Because only Allah possesses the characteristic of completion. Anxiety, stress, and instability are all around those who are worried about getting everything right. They experience significant mental stress as a result.

14. Deepen your relationship with Allah:

Be sure that the deeper the relationship with Allah, the easier all the tasks of this world and the hereafter will be. Through fear of Allah, prayer, morning and evening dua and dhikr, good deeds, and working for the welfare of people, Allah showers endless peace in the mind of the servant, removes problems, and then life becomes more lively, relaxed, and filled with the love of Allah.
May Allah bless everyone. Ameen



Islamic Career: How to control stress | 14 ways to control stress
How to control stress | 14 ways to control stress
how to control stress | 14 ways to control stress
Islamic Career
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