How to beautify character

How to beautify character Some acts of beautifying yourself for the sake of Allah


How to beautify character
How to beautify character

It is very important to improve one's character to please Allah. How pleasant it is to think that if I can in any way beautify my character, my weight will be the heaviest on the Day of Judgment! (May Allah accept it! Ameen.) The heaviest on the scales on the Day of Judgment will be the beautiful  character."(Tirmidhi).


How to beautify the character—it may not have any binding syllabus. While studying about the Prophet (PBUH), some aspects of his character came before me, which I don't usually hear discussed.


For example, the Messenger (PBUH)

  • i) Never spoke loudly,
  • ii) He used to express profound knowledge in very few words.
  • iii) He was always smiling and happy.
  • iv) Never have a bad temper!
  • v) He used to pray with small children on his lap. His character is the Quran.

Some acts of beautifying yourself for the sake of Allah may be like this.

1. Always think well of everyone.

 Don't think badly of someone without proper evidence. Once during the time of the Companions, when a companion saw drops of wine dripping from the beard of another companion, he did not blame him at first and thought that maybe someone had quarreled with him, as a result of which someone angrily threw a glass of wine at him. The drops are falling from there.


2. Blessings in intentions!

 Constantly check your intentions. Why am I doing this? Who are you doing to please? If someone really does something sincerely for the pleasure of Allah, then there will be a very high quality to that work! A simple intention makes any work blessed.

For example, if someone sleeps with the intention of saying, "O Allah! I will wake up with the energy and brightness that I will get through this sleep so that I can worship you better." Then the whole sleep will be worship for him, and he will continue to get good for him as long as he sleeps! Subhanallah, you will be rewarded for sleeping!


3. Don't get involved in unnecessary talk.

 When someone is talking, do not cut off between the words (do not interrupt)! When someone is speaking, Sheikh advises, don't interrupt him, and don't start speaking. Because if the person talking is wise, keep listening to him; your knowledge will increase!

And if the speaker is a fool, keep listening; your patience will increase! Surely gaining your patience is more important than gaining knowledge."


4. Don't get angry when you hear your criticism!

Do not get angry when you hear your criticism. Really think about it—am I really wrong? Imam Shafi'i (RA) was once giving a class to a packed gathering. Then a man rushed into his class.

He pointed his finger at him and said, "Are you Imam Shafi'i?". The Imam said, "Yes, I am Shafi'." Then the man shouted in front of everyone and said to the imam, "You are a fasiq, a kafir, and a man of abominable character!"

Imam listened in silence. Not only was he criticized, he was humiliated in front of everyone very badly! He was not offended, but in response, he immediately raised both hands and prayed in front of everyone.

"O Allah! If this person is telling the truth, then forgive me, have mercy on me, and accept my repentance! And if what this person said is not true, then forgive him for his behavior. And have mercy on him and accept his repentance!"


5. forgive everyone!

Every night before going to sleep, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.


6. Stay away from pride!

Check whether pride is entering the heart in any matter. He who has pride equal to a grain of mustard seed in his heart will not even smell the fragrance of paradise (Sahih Hadith).


7. If someone is jealous, pray for him!

If someone is envious, make more dua for his success by mentioning that person's name. Many scholars call it the best cure for jealousy. Let's give an example. Say Abdullah got very good results in class; Umar is jealous of it. Umar can't control it.

He is troubled by the fact that his friend is in such a better position than him. While he is also working hard, why is he not improving? Umar continued to pray for Abdullah more and more from that day on. May Allah grant Abdullah more success, mercy, and blessings!

Alhamdulillah, within a few months, Umar's anger disappeared from his heart. Allah Subhanahu wa tayala blessed both Umar and Abdullah to reach a very good position socially and economically.


8. Don't find fault with others.

Make a list of your mistakes and sins. Being too preoccupied with one's own mistakes, so that there is no opportunity to talk or gossip about the mistakes of others.


9. Don't gossip about anyone!

Never say anything behind someone's back that,  if he were in front of you, would never be said in front of him. This is the classic definition of gossip! Backbiting is as heinous a sin as eating the flesh of a dead brother (Qur'an: Surah Hujurat).


10. Think good of everyone!

Think well of everyone, big and small. Those who are older than us have lived more years than us, so they have had the opportunity to do more good deeds than me. And those who are younger than us have the opportunity to commit fewer sins than us. So big, so small—everyone is better than me. I should not be proud of myself by comparing myself to others.


God bless me. I want to present myself in the most beautiful way in front of you, Insha Allah.


May Allah Subhanahu wa tayala keep us beautiful inside and out. Give us taufiq to be of good character. Amen!



Islamic Career: How to beautify character
How to beautify character
How to beautify character Some acts of beautifying yourself for the sake of Allah
Islamic Career
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