Who is the source of all power?

Who is the source of all power?

Who is the source of all power?


The first duty of creation is to know the Creator. Without knowing the identity of the Creator, how much is it possible to have a relationship with Him, His commands and prohibitions, and His obedience? Because without knowing the real identity, quality, and importance of the object, it is not possible to evaluate it properly. So we need to know the identity of our creator, Allah Ta'ala. It may be possible to obey his commandments properly and surrender life to his obedience.


He is Allah.

Allah has revealed himself in the Holy Qur'an in various ways. It is stated in Ayatul Kursi, 'He is Allah; there is no god but Him. He is eternal. The holder of all existence He is not touched by drowsiness or sleep. He is the owner of the entire universe and earth. Who has that and will recommend it to him without his permission? He knows everything that is before and behind people. They (creations) cannot create anything of His knowledge other than what He wills. His 'Kursi' expanded the sky and the earth. Their maintenance does not tire him at all. And He is the Greatest.' (Surah Baqarah: 255).

He is unique.

Say, He is Allah, the One and the Unique. He is not waiting for anyone; rather,  everyone is waiting for him. He did not give birth to anyone and was not born to anyone. There is none equal to Him.' (Surah Ikhlas 1-4) Besides, the identity of Allah Ta'ala has been mentioned in many verses of the Holy Quran.

He is the creator of everything.

Allah is the One who created you from a state of weakness; then He gave you strength; after strength, He gave you weakness and old age. He creates whatever He wills, and He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.' (Surah Room: 54).
'Allah, who made the earth for you a dwelling place and the sky (as a lofty dome) a roof. He made your shape beautiful and provided you with sustenance from the best things. He is Allah, your Lord. He is the Most Blessed, Lord of the Worlds. He is eternal. There is no god but Him. So call upon him, being devoted in obedience to him. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.' (Surah Ghafir: 64).
He (Allah) created you from dust, then from semen, then from clotted blood. Then He brought you forth as children; then (nurturing you) that you may attain full strength, then grow old. There are some of you who die before that, and we give you a chance so that you may reach a certain period and use the intellect.' (Surah Ghafir: 67).

He is in control of everything.

It is Allah who erected the heavens without pillars that you can see; then He established Himself above the throne and made subject the sun and the moon, each running its course for a specified term. He describes these signs clearly, so that you can believe with certainty that (one day) you will be present to your Lord. (Surah Ra'd, 2).

He is the light of the world.

Allah is the light of the universe and the earth. The example of his light is like a lampstand, in which there is a lamp. The lamp is surrounded by a glass cover. As if it (i.e., glass) were bright like a star or a pearl. The lamp is lit with the oil of the blessed olive tree, which is not only of the east but also of the west. It seems that even if it is not touched by fire, it will still give off light. Light upon light. Allah guides whomever He wills with His light. Allah narrates parables for the welfare of the people. Allah is all-knowing about everything.' (Surah Noor 35).

He is the beginning and the end.

He also said, "Everything in the heavens and the earth recites the glorification of Allah." He is mighty wise. He gives life and causes death. He is all-powerful. He is the beginning, He is the end, He is the manifest, He is the secret, and He is all-knowing. He created the universe and the earth in six days. then established himself above the throne. He knows everything that goes into the earth and everything that comes out of it. Knows everything that descends from the sky and that rises in it. Wherever you are, He is with you. He sees everything you do. This is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Everything will return to Allah. He made the night enter the day, and the day entered the night. He also knows the affairs of the heart.' (Surah Hadid: 1-6).
It is Allah who created the seven heavens and the earth. Allah's decrees began to be revealed to them, so that you may know that Allah has full power over all things and that Allah's knowledge encompasses everything.' (Surah Talaq: 12)



Islamic Career- Islamic, Educational, Motivational, Scientific, Historical, Stories, Religious..: Who is the source of all power?
Who is the source of all power?
Who is the source of all power?
Islamic Career- Islamic, Educational, Motivational, Scientific, Historical, Stories, Religious..
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