I love you

I love you

I love you
I love you

"I love you" is a favorite sentence for everyone. Everyone has a different feeling for this sentence and a different value. However, no one says "I love you" to anyone without reason. Whoever is said to have some quality Being impressed by that quality, he is called "I love you".

When you hear "I love you" from someone you love, think about where you burst with happiness. How happy will you be when your Lord Himself says "I love you" Surely that level of happiness will be so high that it cannot be expressed in words. It creates a different feeling when you think that Allah said "I love you" to his servant, doesn't it? As a result, won't you want to keep those deeds that deserve you to receive "I love you" from your Lord?

However, now your mind must be very busy to know that by what action does man deserve Allah's "I love you"? Or, if you want to get "I love you" from Allah, you have to do the right deeds. A few verses of the Qur'an should be noted.

Allah Ta'ala says, Spend money and wealth in the way of Allah; (grasp wealth); do not throw yourselves into destruction by your own hands; and be kind to other people. Surely Allah Ta'ala loves those who show kindness. [1]

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala declares: "In all situations, rich or poor, those who use their riches (in Allah's way), who restrain their wrath, and who pardon others (for their transgressions); (indeed) Allah loves the good people (always). [2]

Allah Ta'ala also said, Verily, Allah Ta'ala loves those who depend on  Him.[3]

It should be noted that Allah Ta'ala has said the last verse in many places in the Qur'an. And this clearly shows how much Allah Ta'ala loves people who depend on him and how much he wants people to depend on him. But nowadays, we are dependent on Allah. Instead, I have become dependent on Alla's little creation, people. That is why peace does not come in the true sense of doing any work. Will it come or what? I have moved away from dependence on the owner of peace.

Again, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

Every believer should trust and rely on Allah in everything. [4]

The main meaning of the aforesaid verses is that a servant who acts towards the mentioned matter is as if his Lord says "I love you". Subhan'Allah! For a servant, receiving "I love you" from his Lord is a matter of absolute joy, a matter of absolute honor, and What could happen?

Now, don't we want to keep those deeds to ourselves? Don't we want to do more and more things that make my Lord say "I love you" to me, or do I become worthy of receiving my Lord's "I love you"?

If you already have those deeds in you, then you are one of the very lucky people who got to be the recipient of Allah's "I love you". Now you just have to keep it till death. Then you will be among the really successful ones. Insha_Allah!

On the other hand, those of us who want to be worthy of Allah's "I love you" must possess those deeds; that is, we must possess them in ourselves. Then we will be worthy of Allah's "I love you".

In general, to be eligible to receive Allah's "I love you," we must ensure the following deeds:

  1. Donate in the way of Allah, whether it is good or bad.
  2. Controlling anger
  3. Forgiving peoplee
  4. Be kind to people.
  5. Be dependent on Allah.

How important these deeds are can be easily understood from Allah's saying "I love you". Because their significance is very important to Allah, Allah Ta'ala only loves those servants of his who do deeds and say, "I love you".

Incidentally, Allah Ta'ala said, "He who is patient and forgives people (may he know), surely this is one of the acts of bravery." [5]

The thing to note here is that Allah Ta'ala has called his patient and forgiving servant brave in the mentioned verse. Subhan'Allah! It is a very special thing for the servant. Because his Lord Himself called him brave.

Well, if someone admires your work and says, "Well done, boy! You're a brave man. Wouldn't you like it? Surely you would like it. Because every human being naturally wants to get the title of brave from someone. That's what they like." Also, this title inspires him to be more daring.

Now think about it: if the Great Lord Himself called you brave after seeing some of your deeds, how would you feel? Then surely you will not have the same limit of joy as before; you will be much more motivated. As a result, will you become more brave? Won't the desire to practice the deeds arise? It will surely arise.

That's why we have to be patient in every work of daily life and don't cherish any suffering from people in our hearts or keep a jealous and arrogant attitude. We have to adopt the principle of forgiveness for the sole purpose of attaining the pleasure of Allah. And what can be more fortunate for a servant than to be brave before Allah and receive Allah's "I love you"?


[1] Surah Al-Baqarah, verse no. 195

[2] Surah Al-Imran, verse no. 134

[3] Surah Al-Imran, verse no. 159

[4] Surah Al-Imran, verse no. 160

[5] Surah Ash-Shura, verse no. 43



Islamic Career: I love you
I love you
I love you
Islamic Career
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