The incomparable ideals of Islam

The incomparable ideals of Islam

The incomparable ideals of Islam
The incomparable ideals of Islam

The reign of Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Anhu, the second Caliph of Islam. At that time, there was a ruler of a Persian province—a tyrant king named Hormujan. He often fought with Muslims. If defeated in battle, he would make a treaty on different terms and return to his kingdom. Later, if he got another chance, he would harm the Muslims.

As a result of his immoral policy, Caliph Hazrat Umar (RA) ordered him to arrest Harmuzan and bring him to his court. Meanwhile, Hormujan was captured by the Muslims in a battle. According to the order of the Caliph, he was brought to the court of the Caliph in captivity.

Then Caliph Hazrat Umar (RA) pointed at him and said, 'You are betraying us again and again. Because of your treachery, we have to engage in repeated wars. As a result, many Muslim soldiers have to give their lives unnecessarily. Their wealth is being destroyed.

You have destroyed many houses. Many innocent people have been unjustly tortured. You can't be given another chance. Your only punishment is death. If you have anything to say before execution, you can say it.


Harmuzan was a very subtle and cunning man.

When he got the chance, he played a trick. He said, Great Khalifatul Muslimin! I am very thirsty; please let me drink some water.

He was allowed to drink water by order of the Caliph. Sly Harmujan took the water pot in his hand, and without drinking, it started looking left and right with a fearful expression. He was asked, What happened? Why are you not drinking water? Hearing the question, Harmuzan replied, Amir al-Mu'minin, I am afraid that I will be killed before I drink the water.

Following his words, Hazrat Umar (RA) said, "Drink the water without fear." You will not be killed before drinking the water from your hands. I have assured you of this.

As soon as Hormujan Amirul Muminin finished saying this, he threw the pot of water in his hand on the ground and said, His Highness Khalifa! You said, Don't kill me before I drink the water from my hand. I have thrown away the water; I will not drink that water again. As promised, you can't kill me anymore, either.

In view of Hormujan's trick, the Muslim soldiers got angry and said, Amirul Muminin! You allow it; we punish him for such immoral tricks now.



But Caliph Hazrat Umar (RA) stopped everyone and said,

"No, it cannot be." A Muslim's words are worth a lot. So what I have said is that I will protect it at any cost, inshallah.

Because I said to him, I will not kill him before he drinks the water from his hand, and when he has not drunk the water, the captive Harmuzan should not be killed. Saying this, Umar (RA) pointed at Harmuzan and said, "Go, you are free." I will not break my word.

Subhanallah, what is the value of words? What a wonderful example of keeping promises! Harmuzan could never have imagined that he would be freed so easily. He was greatly impressed by the greatness of Hazrat Umar, the beloved companion of the Prophet. He thought, If this is the ideal of Islam, it would be extremely unfortunate for me to stay away from it. Fascinated by the incomparable ideals of Islam, Harmuzan embraced Islam.

In this way, many people have taken refuge in the cool shade of Islam, fascinated by the incomparable ideals of Islam. Islam has spread its glory all over the world. Not by force.



Islamic Career: The incomparable ideals of Islam
The incomparable ideals of Islam
The incomparable ideals of Islam
Islamic Career
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