Because most men don't think women are human.

Every married woman should read this article. One day the girl's father returned home at 11 at night with two burgers in hand.

Because most men don't think women are human.
Because most men don't think women are human.


Every married woman should read this article.

One day the girl's father returned home at 11 at night with two burgers in hand.When he arrived, he said with a smile that he would not eat rice at night. He just came from the restaurant. Brought burgers for the kids on arrival.

Without expressing any opinion or excitement, I calmly opened the packet and started eating a burger. Although I don't like burgers as much as my kids do.

Still, I was eating. Because I didn't want the same thing to happen again for generations.

When I was very young, I used to see my father buy any food, gift, or anything for our four brothers and sisters. he didn't buy it for my mom.Like he used to buy four ice creams and four packets of chips from the store for our four brothers and sisters. But there were five of us in the house.My mother used to open a packet of chips with a smile and give it to us. He used to guide us to eat from the back or from the front for fear of losing the ice cream.

I don't know if my mother wanted to eat or not! Not to do it. She is a housewife. He stayed at home with us all the time. He used to eat food made by himself. He never went out alone or reflected on his will.

When you could buy four, you could buy five. That means lack of will.

Men have assumed that women do not have to eat.

But I didn't let it happen in my family. When the girl's father brought two wafers, I would open one in front of her and start eating. Although I did not eat.I told him with a finger in the eye. There are three of us in the house, and we bring all three of the food. If I don't eat that thing, bring another alternative that I eat.

Because I'm human too. I also have preferences, desires, and feelings. Will you be a tree trunk in your world for years?

If you don't understand me, no one will.All premarital obligations of a girl are with her parents. Lives with husband after marriage. Open your heart and express your emotions to your parents. Some cases do not go to the husband. Only the loved one called husband has to understand that.

My father never went to anyone's house and had a cup of tea except for us. He very much wanted us four brothers and sisters to go wherever he went to dine. If he had to leave us for any reason, he would take us to the hotel as soon as he got home. Saim used to bring us food. But he had no such thoughts about my mother.

We had a joint family. When Dad bought a saree, he used to buy five. Three for three cousins, one for mother, one for grandmother. He had more children to give to his grandmother. Fufid's husband was. But my mother had no one but her husband.At the end of the day, my breasts were beating.

But I also live in a joint family. Daughter's father also works as a seamstress. After bringing the dress one day, I left all five. I said to him, 'Bring the people tomorrow. I liked all five.' He was looking at me with wide eyes.I am saying in my heart, if you want, take out your eyes. I am your wife. You should buy some clothes for me besides gifting everyone.When you didn't understand that. I explained it to my eyes.

The child's father never takes them anywhere. never go  There are two to four invitations every week. Eat out most of the afternoon.

One day the mood was so bad. When I heard there was a dawa, everyone's family. Only he was alone. That day I got ready and went outside with the children without taking anyone's permission. I brought the children to eat from the restaurant.

Women's lives are never smooth. This life is about friendship. No one will pay the price of your reluctance. You have to take your place. Either with intelligence or with prudence.Because most men don't think women are human.



Islamic Career: Because most men don't think women are human.
Because most men don't think women are human.
Every married woman should read this article. One day the girl's father returned home at 11 at night with two burgers in hand.'t-think-women-are-human.jpg't-think-women-are-human.jpg
Islamic Career
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