Do's and Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.

The New Year, or the English New Year, does not carry any special importance from a religious point of view.

Do's and Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.
Do's and Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.


The New Year, or the English New Year, does not carry any special importance from a religious point of view. However, since the accounting is done in this country using the English year, the end of the year also affects the life of a Muslim. At the end of the year, many people may resolve to start a new year and may wish to bring positive changes to their lives.

Do's and Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.

For a believer, the New Year does not only mean a change in the calendar but also a time to look at one's worship, morals, and lifestyle from the right perspective. Islam is a complete system of life, and all aspects are given importance in it. Even the value of time is specifically mentioned in Islam. Therefore, it is very important to understand the do's and don'ts of a believer in the New Year.

Do's of a Believer in the New Year.

Repentance and forgiveness to Allah.

The beginning of the new year can be a great opportunity to repent to Allah, to ask for forgiveness for the mistakes and sins of the past year. In Surah Al-Furqan (25:74), Allah Almighty says, "And those who say, 'Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and give us the best of our deeds.'" Repenting to Allah sincerely can make the new year more merciful and blessed from Him.

Resolve to change yourself.

This is a great time to make new resolutions. The life of a believer is built on faith and good deeds. Islam talks about striving every day to get rid of sins. Therefore, the new year can be a time when you decide to change your morals and lifestyle. If you want to properly invite others to the path of Islam, then you too must be engaged in good deeds.

Increase in faith and worship.

The new year is not only about starting to see our lives from a new perspective, but it is also an opportunity to reshape ourselves in terms of faith and worship. The New Year should be planned with the knowledge and confidence with which one should perform prayers, fasting, charity, Hajj, or any other act of worship.

Value your time.

The New Year can be a time to reflect on the valuable use of our time. Islam has emphasized the importance of time. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “There are two blessings, of which most people are deprived: health and time.” (Bukhari) A believer’s duty is to make good use of time, especially in worship, work, and family.

Fulfilling responsibilities towards family and society.

Family is given importance in Islam. The New Year can be a time to fulfill your responsibilities towards your family and society. According to Surah Taha (20:72), a believer can play an important role in guiding his family to the path of Islam.

Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.

Obscenity and excessive pleasure.

On the occasion of the New Year, many people turn to parties and drug addiction, which are completely forbidden in Islam. Unbridled joy and obscenity are completely incompatible with the lifestyle of a believer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Whoever acts on his faith, he makes his life complete and peaceful.’ (Tirmidhi)

Taking New Year’s Celebration as a Religious Festival.

In Islam, we are not instructed to celebrate any New Year or New Year’s festival. In fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him) or his companions never celebrated the English New Year. If we take it as a religious festival, then it may be shirk, since we observe a special day in a new year just for celebration, which is illegal from an Islamic perspective.

Wastefulness or neglect of charity.

Sometimes there may be various luxuries or unnecessary expenses during the New Year. This is wastefulness from an Islamic perspective, which is haram (forbidden) in Islam. Surah Bani Israel verse 27 says, “Whoever squanders his wealth is the brother of Satan.”

Increase your self-respect and pride.

It is good to strive for self-improvement in the new year, but it is wrong to become complacent by increasing your self-respect or pride. Pride is forbidden in Islam; the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever dies with an iota of pride in him will not enter Paradise.” (Muslim)

Not learning from the mistakes of the previous year.

The biggest mistake in the new year can be not learning from the mistakes of the previous year. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Allah accepts the repentance of His servant when he turns to Him with a sincere heart.” (Tirmidhi) If a believer does not learn from the mistakes of the previous year, it can lead him back to the wrong path.

The new year can be a new beginning in the life of a believer, an opportunity to draw closer to Allah and direct one's life in the right direction according to the teachings of Islam.

This year should be taken as an opportunity to draw closer to Allah, to practice good deeds, and to make good use of time. However, at the same time, Muslims should do something on the occasion of the new year that is in line with the teachings of Islam and that will bring prosperity and peace to their hearts.



Islamic Career: Do's and Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.
Do's and Don'ts of a Muslim in the New Year.
The New Year, or the English New Year, does not carry any special importance from a religious point of view.
Islamic Career
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