history of jerusalem

history of jerusalem

history of jerusalem
history of jerusalem

Jerusalem is the most controversial city in the world. There are many wars and events around Jerusalem. This city, which is about three thousand years old, lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea, on the plateau of the Judian Mountains. Both the illegal state of Israel and Palestine claim their rights by treating it as their capital.

The settlement of human beings in Jerusalem began about 5000 years ago. About three thousand years ago, King Daud Nabi established his capital in Jerusalem. After Dawood, the king became his son, Suleiman. King Suleiman made Jerusalem a holy place. Later, about 2000 years ago, Hazrat Isa Nabi was crucified the place.
Later, about 1400 years ago, the last prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (S'a'w), the last representative of Allah, also started his journey from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to meet the Creator.
This "Al-Aqsa Mosque" was the first "Kibla" of the Muslims (Qibla: The direction in which Muslims pray). Hence, this place becomes a holy place for Muslims as well.
Gradually, along with the number of Islamists in nearby areas, including Jerusalem, their strength increased.
Jerusalem remained under Islamic rule for about five hundred years. During this time, European Christians came to visit Jerusalem and planned to capture Jerusalem. Therefore, in order to liberate the city from the rule of the Islamic Turkic Empire, Christians in Europe came together and left for Jerusalem in 1096.
Finally, in 1099, they occupied Jerusalem and killed its Jews and Muslims. This is the first crusade, or the War of Religion.
Again, the Muslims were able to capture the land in 1144. After this, the Europeans fought in 1147 but failed.
This was followed by a five-time war of religions between Islam and Christian rulers over the possession of Jerusalem. The Third War of Religions (1188–1192), the Fourth War of Religions (1202-1204), the Fifth War of Religions (1228–1229), the Sixth War of Religions (1248–1254), and the Seventh War of Religions (1270–1272) were finally established in the last year.
By the time of the First World War, the whole of Palestine was under the control of the Turkish Empire. But after the fall of Turkey's Ottoman Empire in the First World War, most of the Arab territories, including Palestine, fell into the hands of the Mandate of England and France.
On the other hand, since the time of the First World War, there has been indescribable persecution of Jews in various parts of the world, including Europe.
Gradually, the idea of a separate state developed among the Jews. Since Palestine was the place of the ancestors of the Jews, including Jerusalem, the Jews demanded a separate state in the western part of Palestine.
Taking advantage of this as a conspiracy tactic, in the First World War, the Allied forces adopted a strategy to make the Jews their own.
On November 2, 1917, British Foreign Minister Arthur James Walfer, in a letter to the Zionists, proclaimed a commitment to the creation of an illegal Jewish state in the Palestinian territory. This declaration brightened the prospects of Jews forming a separate state in the Palestinian territory, and a large number of Jews came from Europe to settle in Palestine.
From 1905 to 1914, the number of Jews in Palestine was only a few thousand. But after the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, the number of Jews in Palestine increased to 20,000 due to the cooperation of the English by 1918.
In 1918, the secret Jewish terrorist force "Haganah" was formed in collaboration with European allies. This force plays an important role in the task of making the Zionists their own nation. At first, the Haganah Force's job was to help the Jews against the Palestinian people, but later it became an organized terrorist force. The terrorist Haganah force accelerated the deportation of Palestinians for their activities, such as capturing the land and farms of the Palestinian people and creating panic among the Palestinians by bombing places where there was a crowd.
From 1918 to 1919, the number of Jews increased to 35,000. By 1931, the number of Jews in the Palestinian territory had increased nearly five times to 1,80,000. This was followed by World War II.
Taking advantage of the simplicity of the Palestinian Muslims, in the face of the persecution of Hitler's Nazi forces, Jews began to flow to Palestine at an unprecedented rate. As a result, the number of Jews in Palestine increased greatly, and by 1948, the number had increased to six million.

At the end of World War II,

 in 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 on the bifurcation of Palestinian territory. The United Nations approved an immoral proposal to bifurcate Palestine and decided to leave 45 percent of the land, including Jerusalem, for Palestinians and leave the remaining 55 percent to the Jews.
Israel thus declared independence on May 14, 1948. This declaration was strongly opposed by the Islamic states of the world, and countries like Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, etc. joined together to declare war on Israel. The Islamic power was defeated in the war that lasted for about nine months, and Israel captured the western part of Jerusalem with the help of Europe. And East Jerusalem took over Jordan.
Later, with the help of European Christianity, the Jews developed Israel into a strong and developed state in a very short period of time due to their love of nation, the use of technology, hard work, unity, and so on.
On the other hand, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. declared war on Israel on June 5, 1967, with the help of Islamic states like Pakistan, Libya, Kuwait, Algeria, Sudan, etc., to rescue Muslims' territories, including Jerusalem, as well as other Israeli occupations.
The war is known as the "Six-Day War." But the war, which lasted from June 5 to June 10, 1967, saw the crushing defeat of the United Islamic State Forces. And Israel captured many other parts of Palestine as well as the whole of Jerusalem.
According to the United Nations Charter, no territory can legally be gained from the war of the member states of the United Nations, nor can it occupy other states in self-defense. Therefore, in response to the six-day war, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution for 'land for peace' and mandated the United Nations to return the territories occupied by Israel to the defeated nations. When Israel refused to return the territories it occupied, another Arab-Israeli war broke out in 1973. This war is called the Battle of Yom Kippur. Israel faced failure in this war.

Israel and Egypt signed the peace treaty in 1979, according to which Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in 1982, and Egypt officially recognized Israel as a state and became the first Arab state to recognize it. In 1987, a rebel organization called Hamas was founded for the liberation of Palestine through jihad and declared Israel an illegal state. Hamaj enjoys support from Iran and Syria.
On the other hand, Fatah, a faction of the PLO under Yasser Arafat, received support from western nations. Revolt

against Israel's rights: -

First Intifada:

Tensions between Israel and Palestine spiked with the rise of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip launched a revolt in 1987, known as the first uprising. The Oslo Peace Treaty: With the mediation of the United States and Russia in 1993, Israel and the PLO signed the Oslo Peace Treaty, which was based on the concept of two-state solutions. Palestine and Israel signed the Declaration, in which the two nations seek recognition as autonomous governing bodies. The PLO recognizes Israel. And Israel also agreed to give freedom to the 'occupied territories' of the PLO. But those areas remained under Israel's control.
Camp David Conference (2000): Its purpose was to convince both sides to finally negotiate, but negotiations eventually failed. And this led to a second rebellion.
In 2000, more violently, the Palestinian insurgency broke out, and a large number of civilians were killed on both sides. This is called the Second Rebellion. As a defensive measure, Israel built a wall along the West Bank to separate Israeli and Palestinian settlements.

Gaza Expulsion Plan:

This is Israel's unilateral disarmament plan, by which Israeli defense forces left four settlements in Gaza territory and the north-west bank in 2005.
Hamas won the Palestinian election in 2006, but soon after, tensions between Fatah and Hamas intensified over power. After a long armed struggle, Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation agreement in 2011. At present, Gaza is controlled by fatah and by hamas in the Palestinian and West Bank (West Bank) regions.
The reason for this bloody conflict between Israel and Palestine today is due to a ruling by the Supreme Court of Israel. On May 6, 2021, Palestinians launched a protest in Jerusalem over Israel's Supreme Court's decision to evict four Palestinian families from East Jerusalem's neighbor, Sheikh Jarrah, and the protests quickly triggered violence between Jewish and Palestinian protesters. The following day, the Israeli army attacked the compound of al-Aqsa Mosque, the holiest pilgrimage site for Islamists, on the holy day of Ramadan.
The violence between Jews and Palestinians was followed by violent violence on Laila, the holiest day of the Islamists, and Jerusalem Day (May 9), Israel's national holiday.
More than 300 people, most of them Palestinian Muslims, were injured in the violence here. The incident caught the attention of the international community. This prompted Israel's Supreme Court to suspend its verdict for 30 days.

Israel and Palestine are in turmoil again.

The two nations have become war-torn.
Suddenly, the Hamas forces invaded Palestine. Hamas forces fired 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip to southern Israel at just 20 a.m. on Saturday. Apart from this, Hamas forces have also infiltrated Israel by flying paragliders. After this, the illegal state of Israel declared war on the Hamas forces of the liberation war.
There have reportedly been widespread clashes in southern Israel. According to international media reports, 40 Israeli nationals have been killed and at least 500 injured in the conflict so far.
As soon as the war broke out between Israel and Palestine, the Indian Embassy issued a statement saying, "Indians living in Israel should be careful and follow the safety norms as per the orders of the local administration." Please be aware, avoid unnecessary travel, and stay close to the shelter camp. Contact the Indian Embassy in case of an emergency."
According to Israeli police, the war could be long.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video message that we have declared war and we will definitely win.

✔️Pervez Maruf Sufi



Islamic Career: history of jerusalem
history of jerusalem
history of jerusalem
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