Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?

Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?

Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?
Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?

Baitul Muqaddas or Masjid Aqsa It is the first Qibla for Muslims. In this mosque located in Jerusalem, Palestine, the Prophet (peace be upon him) led all the prophets and messengers on the night of Meraj.

In the hadith Sharif, there is, "One hundred thousand times the reward for praying in the Kaaba Sharif or Masjid al-Haram; 50 thousand times the reward for praying in the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah; 25 thousand times the reward for praying in Baitul Muqaddas" (Ibn Majah).

The land of Palestine is full of monuments to many prophets and messengers; there are many tombs of prophets and messengers around it. It is a long-standing Ohi landing place, a center of Islam, and a cradle of Islamic culture. In the latest phase of the destruction of this holy land of Muslims, it is now under the threat of Jewish occupation.

During the caliphate of Amir al-Mu'minin Hazrat Umar (RA) in 648, Muslims conquered Palestine. The Christians recaptured it in 1096. In 1187, Sipahsala Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi conquered the city of Jerusalem again.

Since then, Christian and Jewish circles have begun to conspire to establish the state of Israel in Palestine. To fulfill this evil purpose, the Jews asked Sultan Abdul Hamid, the ruler of Turkey at the time, for permission to settle in Palestine. The Sultan did not allow it.

The British invaded Palestine in 1917 and established full authority in 1920. Within a short period of time, the Jews settled permanently in Palestine.

The British imperialists unjustly divided the Muslim land of Palestine between Muslims and Jews. As a result, the Zionist illegal state of Israel was established by the Balfour Declaration on May 15, 1948.

In 1967, the illegal state of Israel forcibly occupied the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Then gradually, the level of oppression and persecution of the Jews against the Muslims increased, which is still going on today.

Since then, the Muslim people have started the freedom and liberation war. The people of different countries around the world are supporting this resistance movement of Palestinian Muslims.

All groups, factions, and sects of Muslims agree that, from the Islamic point of view, the status and greatness of Baitul Muqaddas, Masjid Aqsa, and the whole of Palestine are very high.

Its preservation and sanctity are not only for the Palestinians; rather, they are obligatory on all Muslims. Many virtues of Palestine are described in the Holy Qur'an and Hadith.

Jerusalem is the final destination of Isra, or Rasulullah's (PBUH) night journey. Here he leads the prayers of all the prophets. After that, he travels to the upper sky from here.

Allah says,

 Holy and Glorious is He, who made His servant travel by night from Al-Masjidul Haram to Masjidul Aqsa, the surroundings of which I made blessed, to show him My signs; He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seeer.' (Surah Bani Israel, verse 1)

Masjid al-Aqsa, Palestine, is the first Qibla of Muslims, towards which Rasulullah (SAW) and his companions prayed for 10 years. Almighty Allah says, "Wherever you go out, turn your face towards Masjidul Haram, and wherever you are, turn your face towards it." (Surah Baqarah, verse 150)

In the light of the hadith, it is proven that three cities are honored: Makkah, Madinah, and Palestine, or Baytul Muqaddas.

In Sahih Bukhari and Muslim,

 on the authority of Hazrat Abu Saeed Khuduri (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, “It is not permissible to go on a journey to any place of worship other than three mosques: Masjid al-Haram, Masjid al-Aqsa, and this mosque of mine. (Hadith, 707)

It is narrated in Hadith Sharif that the Prophet (PBUH) commanded Hazrat Bara Ibn Ajib (RA) to do seven things. Among these is helping the oppressed (Bokhari). When he sent Mu'adh ibn Jabal (RA) to Yemen as governor, he instructed him, 'Fear the appeal of the oppressed. Because there is no screen between his supplication and Allah' (Bukhari).

Some country sees the Israel-Palestine relationship as a relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed. As a result, Some country has always stood by oppressed Palestine. Palestinians are called Muslim brothers.

Allah Almighty said in Surah Anam, "The oppressors are never successful." Reading this verse, the Muslim world is also hoping that this oppression of Israel will end one day. Al-Aqsa will be surrounded by the pulse of safe life. Thanks to the feet of numerous prophets and messengers, this land will once again shake with joy.



Islamic Career: Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?
Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?
Why is Palestine so important to Muslims?
Islamic Career
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