Actions that can be done in a very short time

Actions that can be done in a very short time. There is not much opportunity or time for worship and good deeds in the office or workplace.

Actions that can be done in a very short time
Actions that can be done in a very short time

There is not much opportunity or time for worship and good deeds in the office or workplace. Many virtuous deeds can be done in a short time in the office. A lot of good work can be done in a minute of work, and huge rewards can be obtained. Many rewards and virtues will be written in Amalnama in just one minute of careful practice.

Here is a short list of some practices that can be done in one minute (expandable):

(1) Surah Fatiha can be recited three times quickly in mind. If you act like this, more than 1800 good deeds can be achieved.

(2) Surah Ikhlas (Qul Huwallahu Ahad) can be recited rapidly 20 times by heart. Reciting Surah Ikhlas once is equivalent to reciting a third of the Holy Qur'an.

(3) One page of the Holy Quran can be read if you try.

(4) A small verse of the Holy Quran can be memorized.

(5) The following dua can be recited 20 times. Pronunciation: 'La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalahu lahul mulku walahul hamdu, wa hua ala kulli shayin qadir'. The reward of this period is equal to freeing eight slaves from the family of Ismail (a.s.) for the sake of Allah.

(6) 'Subhanallahi wa Bihamdihi' can be recited 100 times. A person who recites this dua 100 times in a day is forgiven of all his sins, although it is equal to the foam of the sea.

(7) 'Subhanallahil Azim' or 'Subhanallahi wa Bihamdihi' can be recited 50 times. These two sentences are very easy to read. The period will be very heavy. Very dear to Allah, Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim narrated hadiths about this.

(8) The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, 'Reciting Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La-Ilaha Illallah, Allahu Akbar is dearer to me than anything on which the sun has risen. (Muslim, Hadith No. 2695)Sentences can be read more than 18 times in one minute. These words are dearest to Allah. These are the best words, and they carry a lot of weight in terms of time.

(9) 'La Hawla Wala Quwata Illabillah' (meaning: There is no means-ability and no power except Allah) can be recited more than 40 times. The reward of this sentence is a priceless jewel stored up for paradise, which removes all worries. Bukhari and Muslims narrated hadiths in this regard.

(10) 'La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah' (meaning: There is no god but Allah; Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah) can be recited about 25 times. It is the greatest word of Tawheed. There are many descriptions of the virtues and dignity of this word.

(11) Istighfar (Astaghfirullah), or forgiveness, can be prayed to Allah more than one hundred times. Its virtues are not unknown to you. It is the means of attaining forgiveness and entering paradise. It is the means of a happy life, an increase in strength, a prevention of danger, ease of all work, rain, an increase in wealth and children, etc.

(12) In one minute, you can briefly say something by which Allah may open the way for some good that you could not have imagined.(13) Darood can be recited 50 times by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Just reading 'Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam' is fine. In return, Allah will send mercy 500 times. And if you recite Darood once, Allah will reward you 10 times.

(14) In a minute, the mind can be filled with gratitude to Allah, His love, His fear, His hope, and His love. Through this, you can pass the stages of Ubudiyah (slavery of Allah). Maybe you are lying in bed or walking along a path.

(15) One can read more than two pages of a book of straightforward usefulness.

(16) One minute of telephone communication can be used to protect kinship ties. In addition to giving rewards, Allah increases life.

(17) Raise both hands and recite any prayer of your choice from the wide range of meaningful prayers.

(18) Some people can be greeted with musafaha.

(20) A person can be restrained from doing evil.

(21) Good deeds can be enjoined.

(22) Someone can be advised.

(23) Consolation can be given to troubled people.

(24) Any harmful object may be removed from the path.

(25) Taking advantage of this one minute can serve as an incentive to take advantage of the rest of the time spent in neglect.

Most of these procedures do not require much action. They don't even need your sanctity. No fatigue or manual labor. Rather, the deeds can be done in any situation.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us tawfiq to do our deeds.



Islamic Career: Actions that can be done in a very short time
Actions that can be done in a very short time
Actions that can be done in a very short time. There is not much opportunity or time for worship and good deeds in the office or workplace.
Islamic Career
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