Only the Quran can bring people to the light. Noman Ali Khan wants to change the world by teaching people only the Quran.
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Nouman Ali Khan's Biography |
Biography of Nouman Ali Khan
Only the Quran can bring people to the light. Noman Ali Khan wants to change the world by teaching people only the Quran. He is a popular personality among the young generation of Muslims all over the world for presenting the wonderful artistic beauty of the Qur'an. Muslim youth all over the world today envision him as their role model and want to be like him. How creative is the diction of the Quran, how charming is the language, and how logical is the meaning—these are the subjects of Noman Ali Khan's thoughts and discussions. In his speech, the beauty and miracles of the Qur'an shone before people's eyes. Many people are returning to Islam and accepting Islam after listening to his speech in various international meetings, seminars, and online. He read more than 20 books by Tafseer. As a result, the history of the revelation of the Qur'an, the reasons for the choice of words, the ornamentation of the language, the depth of the meaning, the sharpness of the logic, and the grammatical accuracy are highlighted in his discussion. Hence, many Islamic scholars recognize Noman Ali Khan as the linguist of the Qur'an. Also, he is one of the 500 most influential Islamic scholars in the world. And he is number two in the list of the Top 10 Influential and Famous Islamic Scholars, 2019 Edition ( Let's know about him.
His born and family.
This man was born in Berlin, the capital of Germany. His mother tongue is German. But baby Noman did not stay there for six months. He had to move to Pakistan with his family at the age of six months, as his father worked in the Pakistan Embassy. Here too, his family did not stay for more than two months. Go to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. His early education began in Riyadh, at a Pakistani Urdu-medium school. His family stayed in Riyadh for six years, from 1986 to 1992. Then they went to America. There, he enrolled in a high school run by Christians. As a result, everything seemed different to him. Different languages, different environments, and friends all cherish different religions and cultures and behave differently. He felt very helpless then. He did not meet any Muslims for almost two years. For two years, he could not even pray the Friday prayer, as there were classes on Fridays. But then he was a high school student. There was no touch of morality or religion in the conduct of his friends. As a result, he gradually got used to their behavior. There was no one to stop him—not even his family. At one point, a strong sense of guilt arose in him. But there was nothing to do. Either he has to leave the religion, or he has to leave the school. Unfortunately, the family did not allow him to leave school as there were no good schools elsewhere. After school, he enrolled in college. Going out with friends like before, everything. Now he is a complete atheist. He practiced atheism for about two years. He went far away from Islam.
Noman Ali Khan returned to Islam with a hundredfold faster speed than before.
Then it's time to come back. Noman Ali Khan returned to Islam with a hundredfold faster speed than before. Suddenly, one day, he met two members of the American Muslim Student Association. They were discussing the Qur'an among themselves, and he was listening to it. Although he did not like the talk of these religious activities then, they themselves got to know Noman Ali Khan and started walking with him like a shadow. However, they never directly asked Noman Ali Khan to read the Qur'an or pray. He never even invited Islam. But hour after hour, day after day, they started spending time with Noman Ali Khan. This was the beginning of a massive change for Noman Ali Khan. One day, one of them prayed in front of Noman Ali Khan. Noman felt very bad for Ali Khan because he had forgotten many things in the prayer. He even forgot how many rakats of the Maghrib prayer. Unknowingly, he began to think of these two brothers of the Muslim Student Association as friends. And learned a lot from them. Gradually, his awareness of Islam started to increase in his heart. He started reading translations of the Qur'an. Allama started reading Yusuf Ali's English translation. But understanding the Quran through translation is very difficult. Where the sentence begins and where the sentence ends, he could not understand anything. Why did Allah suddenly move from one issue to another? All this he could not understand by reading the translation. Then he started searching on Google to understand the Quran better. He got a lot of lectures on various topics in Islam on the Internet. But he still did not get any continuous discussion of the Qur'an.He first heard the continuous discussion of the Qur'an in a mosque in his neighborhood. A scholar from Pakistan came to that mosque on the occasion of Ramadan. His name was Imam Dr. Abdus Sami. He used to translate the Qur'an one verse a day and make brief tafsir. There was continuous discussion of the Quran for two hours in the morning, four hours in the afternoon, and after tarabi till 10 p.m. Noman Ali Khan participated in all discussions with Dr. Abdus Sami. Thus, he finished listening to the commentary on the entire Qur'an. After listening to this discussion of the Qur'an, he felt that he had heard the Qur'an for the first time. This made him very interested in the Qur'an. He said to his teacher, Dr. Abdus Sami, 'I want to do tafseer the way you did it'. Dr. Abdus Sami told him, “Then learn Arabic first." Noman Ali Khan told him, 'I live in New York, work all day, and have to go to college. How can I go to Saudi Arabia and learn Arabic?' Dr. Abdus Sami told him, "You can come to my Arabic class in this mosque next week."
Noman Ali Khan went to study Arabic grammar with Dr. Abdus Sami.
In the week after Eid, Noman Ali Khan went to study Arabic grammar with Dr. Abdus Sami. Dr. Abdus Sami taught him some rules of grammar. From then on, he began to understand some Arabic and began to taste the Qur'an himself. Then, searching on the internet one day, he found a series of discussions on the miracles of the Qur'an. It was in Arabic. He listened to them day and night but understood nothing. Later, he wrote the entire lecture. He took out the meaning of each word from the dictionary. Thus, slowly, he started to understand the Arabic lectures. A few days later, he found Sheikh Mutawalli on the Internet. His lectures inspired Noman Ali Khan more and more. After that, he got Dr. written on the Koran. Various books and lectures by Fadel Al Samarai. By getting these, he felt that he had acquired an ocean of knowledge. He started reading and listening to them. He discovered one scholar after another, and he continued to learn from them. He worked hard day after day. He forced himself again and again to learn Arabic anyway, to understand Arabic. People get what they want. Allah fulfilled his will. In a very short time, Noman Ali Khan acquired extraordinary knowledge and erudition about the Arabic language and the Qur'an. People from different parts of the world are flocking to him today to learn the Qur'an because of his excellent presentation, logical words, and simple method. More than 10,000 young people are currently learning Quran and Arabic from him online alone.He decided that he would conduct a massive online campaign so that no other Muslim would have to suffer as much as he had learned about Islam and the Quran. As per the decision, in 2005 he formed an organization called Baiyinah Institute and launched a website called Bayyinah TV. The site currently has over five hundred video classes on the beauty of the Qur'an, the Arabic language, and the history of Islam. A global channel called Baiyinah TV will also be launched in a few days. Basically, he is doing these things for two purposes. First, to make the Arabic language absolutely easy for people, so that anyone from any part of the world, regardless of whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim, can become proficient in the Arabic language. He teaches people Arabic with some wonderful tricks on Baiyinah TV. Having learned Arabic through many struggles, he knows how to teach people to become proficient in Arabic quickly. His second objective is to make people interested in the Qur'an. His belief is that if people are scared of learning Arabic first, they will never get a taste of the Qur'an. So people should first get a taste of the Qur'an. Then people will want to learn Arabic on their own, as it happened in their own case. He feels that millions of youth like him are disoriented. If the miracles of the Qur'an are presented to them once, then their lives will change.
Noman Ali Khan does not make such a complaint.
Many people complain that modern youth don't read the Quran; they don't want to read Arabic. Noman Ali Khan does not make such a complaint. His words are, “If we could make the Arabic language easy for the youth, surely they would learn Arabic. If we could have conveyed the Qur'an to them in simple language, they would certainly have accepted it. Because Islam is the natural religion of man, everyone says, Come to me to learn Arabic language and the Quran; but I myself want to go door to door to teach the Qur'an."Where others identify only grievances and problems with the Muslim Ummah, Noman Ali sees the door to possibilities and dreams. He sees the most potential in youth. If only 70 percent of the youth of the Ummah can be given the right inspiration, he believes, the face of the world will change. He thinks that the duty of Muslims is to convey the message of the Qur'an in an advanced and simple manner to the youth. The rest is the responsibility of Allah. He will do everything. Just as different flowers grow after the same rain falls on the same soil, if the same revelation is conveyed to people, it will open up thousands of possibilities and changes. Noman Ali Khan's thoughts are for all the youth. This is probably why young people all over the world consider Noman Ali Khan their role model. His speeches have become so popular among the youth of the world that the youth of different parts of the world are translating the speeches of Noman Ali Khan in their own languages.
Finally, I would like to say that the boy who was once an atheist is now a world-renowned Islamic scholar. Today, millions of people are listening to his lectures, getting detailed ideas about the Quran, and receiving guidance. May Allah Ta'ala give him the grace to do more religious work. Noman Ali Khan is truly an incomparable personality and a remarkable institution in bringing Al-Quran alive to the audience.
While writing this article, I remembered two verses of the Quran. I want to end today's article by saying that verse:
"It is the guidance of Allah; He guides by it whom He wills. He who misleads Allah has no guide." [Surah Jumar, 39:23]
"Those who devote themselves to my path, I will surely guide them to the path of guidance in my path. (Surah: Ankabut, verse 69).