Prayers will be accepted; keep faith and read this hadith! Allah is like what the servant thinks. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu
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Prayers will be accepted; keep faith! |
Prayers will be accepted; keep faith and read this hadith!
Allah is like what the servant thinks.
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said, "Allah says, I am as the servant thinks of me." I am with him when he remembers me. By God! Surely Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than the one among you who recovers his vehicle lost in the desert. And whoever moves towards me a cubit, I move towards him a cubit. He advances one cubit towards me, and I advance two cubits towards him. And when he walks towards me, I run towards him."In Hadith Rasul [pbuh] No. 449:[Bukhari 7405, 7505, 7536, 7537, Muslim 2675, Tirmidhi 2388, Ibn Majah 3722, Ahmad 7374, 27409, 8436, 8833, 9001, 9087, 9334, 9457]
explain...Allah Ta'ala deals with a servant according to his perception of him. If a servant has a good opinion of Allah, then He also treats him well. And if the slave has a bad opinion about him, then Allah treats him like that. In Musnad Imam Ahmad Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu, 'Anhu narrates from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Allah Ta'ala said, ""I deal with My servant according to his opinion. If he thinks well of me, it is for him, and if he thinks badly of me, that's for him." Al-Albani called the hadith Sahih in Sahihul Jame' (2/795), Hadith No. 4315.But when will there be a good idea about Allah? A good impression of Allah will be made when the servant performs deeds that make it essential to expect Allah's favor and His mercy. As a result, he will do righteous deeds and have a good idea about Allah that He will accept his deeds.
On the other hand,
having a good opinion about him without doing good work is basically just desire. And the person who follows his instincts and still hopes for Allah's mercy is just a helpless person. And it is the nature of those incompetent people, who have no capital to fall back on, to expect to gain favor with Allah by revealing their disobedience. Ibnul Qayyim {Rah} He said, 'There is no doubt that good ideas can be carried out with Ihsan or good deeds. Because a righteous person can expect from his Lord, because of his good intentions, that He will reward him well, that he will not break His promise, and that He will accept his repentance. And again and again, the poets prevent sinners, oppressors, and those who disobey the rules of Shari'ah from engaging in sin, oppression, and haram from having a good idea about Allah. A fugitive slave who has left the master's obedience does not think well of his master. Unfair behavior never includes a good impression of someone. The wrongdoer is far from Allah, according to his wrongdoing. Those who have the best understanding of Allah are those who are most obedient to Him. Hasan Basri (Rah) He said, "Surely the believers have the best idea about their Lord." As a result, he does more good work. And the wrongdoer thinks evil of his Lord. As a result, he commits more sins.
Allah is most pleased with the repentance of a servant.
Then he said, Allah is most pleased with the repentance of a servant. He also mentions that Allah is most gracious to the servant. When a servant approaches Allah one step closer, Allah approaches him at arm's length. If someone approaches him by an arm's length, he approaches him by an arm's length. Someone walks towards him, and he rushes towards him. He is the most generous towards the servant and the quick accepter of the servant's dua. Ahle Sunnat wal Jama'at believes in the quick coming of Allah mentioned in this hadith, but we are not aware of its nature. Moreover, the manner of coming to Allah is also his matter. We should not talk about it. We will only believe in this matter and entrust its form to Allah. Allah's presence with the servant is of two types. Being near in a special sense, which means the victory and help of Allah. This is what is meant in the above hadith. Another general meaning is nearness, which refers to Allah's knowledge and surroundings. It is a true attribute of Allah that is reserved for Him alone.