Shirk means establishing a partnership. Shirk is the name for associating someone with Allah Almighty, the sole ruler of the universe.
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Beware of shirk |
Shirk means establishing a partnership. Shirk is the name for associating someone with Allah Almighty, the sole ruler of the universe.
Almighty Allah says:
Those who believe and do not combine their faith with oppression, for them is security, and they are the ones who are guided.
[Surah Al An'am, verse 82]
Narrated by Abdullah (RA). He said when this verse was revealed: Those who believed and did not corrupt their faith with oppression. (Surah al-An'am, verse 82). Then it seemed serious to the companions of the Messenger of Allah; may God bless him and grant him peace. They said, Who among us does not pollute his faith with oppression? Then the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, It is certainly not like that; have you not heard what Luqman said? Shirk is the greatest oppression. (transgression) (Surah Luqman verse 13).
[Sahih Bukhari, 6918]
Of the types of worship, performing something for someone other than Allah is called shirk. Making dua to others other than Allah, sacrificing for non-Allah, swearing, and seeking salvation from others besides Allah, from which no one but Allah has the power to save. And Tawheed is the determination to worship Allah alone.
Believing someone else to be a partner in Allah's authority and power. To associate others with the work of Allah. For example, creating, giving life and death, rescuing from danger, giving laws, managing the heavens and the earth, etc. are reserved for Allah alone. Associating someone else with Allah in all these matters is shirk in the Rububiyat of Allah.
Shirk Akbar, or Big Shirk, is called:
To equate anyone with Allah. Through this, the believer gets out of faith and becomes eternal hell. He has no way of salvation except repentance. For example: Shirk is centered on shrines and idols, slaughtering and swearing in the name of Ghairullah, calling Ghairullah, seeking refuge in Ghairullah, and swearing in the name of Ghairullah.
Shirk in fear, hope, Tawakkul, and love. Shirk in law-making, obedience and governance of the world, magic and sorcerers, astrology, belief in bad omens, belief in the influence of stars, amulets, thread, rings to ward off dangers, etc. Believe that prophets and saints can appear everywhere.
Shirk Asghar, or Small Shirk, is called:
Examples of minor shirk are: Riya, or public display of 'Amal; Sum'a, or 'Amal to gain fame; 'Amal for worldly gain;
Almighty Allah says:
Know that creation and guidance belong to Him. Allah is great; he is the Lord of all creation.
[Surah Al-A'raf, verse 54]
Almighty Allah says:
Being devoted to Allah and not associating anyone with Him. And whoever associates partners with Allah, it is as if he fell from the sky. Then the bird caught him and carried him away, or the wind threw him somewhere far away.
[Surah Al Hajj, verse 31]
Allah has presented a parable: a man who has many masters who are contradictory, and another person who is loyal to one master, is the status of these two equal? All praise be to Allah, but most of them don't know.
[Surah Az-Jumar, verse 29]
Almighty Allah says:
Surely Allah does not forgive associating partners with Him. He also forgives other sins for which He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah surely commits a great sin.
[Surah An-Nisa, verse 48]
Shirk will lead people to hell.
Almighty Allah says:
Indeed, they have disbelieved those who said, "Indeed, Allah is the Messiah, son of Maryam." And the Messiah said, 'O Children of Israel, worship my Lord and your Lord Allah'. Indeed, whoever associates partners with Allah, Allah has made paradise forbidden to him, and his abode is the fire. And the oppressors have no helpers.
[Surah al-Ma'idah, verse 72]
Destroys previous actions:
Allah Ta'ala increases the good deeds of the servant. But shirk destroys the good deeds of the servant.
Almighty Allah says:
If they had committed shirk, then what they were doing would surely have become bard.
[Surah Al An'am, verse 88]
Almighty God also says,
And surely a revelation has been sent to you and to those before you: if you commit shirk, your deeds will be fruitless. And of course, you will be among the victims.
[Surah Az-Jumar, verse 65]
Biggest sin:
Shirk is one of the major sins.
Abu Hurairah (RA) said, The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, Allah Ta'ala said, I am completely free from the partners. Whoever associates others with Me in any act (of worship), I disown him along with his shirk.
[Misqat Hadith 5315]
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said, "You shall abstain from seven destructive things." Companions said, O Messenger of Allah! What are they? He said, (1) Associating partners with Allah. (2) Sorcery; (3) Killing whom Allah has forbidden, killing him except in accordance with the Shariah (4) Taking usury; (5) Eating the property of an orphan; (6) Running away from the battlefield; and (7) Slandering chaste-believing women. to give
[Sahih Bukhari, 2578]
On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA). He said, I asked, O Messenger of Allah! Which sin is the greatest? He said, You made someone equal to Allah when He created you.
[Sahih Bukhari, 5575]
Regarding the merits of repentance and asking for forgiveness, and the mercy and grace of Allah to His servants
Anas Ibn Malik (RA) said, I heard the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: The Blessed One says: O son of Adam! As long as you call upon Me and hope for forgiveness from Me, however great your sins may be, I will forgive you; I will not care. O son of Adam! If the extent of your sin reaches the edge of the sky or even the clouds, then you ask Me for forgiveness; I will forgive you; I do not care. O son of Adam! If you come to me with the sins of the whole world and do not associate anyone with me, then I will also come to you with the forgiveness of the whole world.
[Sunan at Tirmidhi 3540]
All sins are forgivable, except shirk. So is it not essential to have a correct understanding of Shirk?
As Muslims, we think that all religions in the world, including Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists, are only indulging in idolatry; they do not believe in the monotheism of God, associate Mary with Jesus as the wife and child of God, worship multiple gods and goddesses as an alternative to God, respect God little, or if they do not obey at all, they will be involved in shirk. We Muslims believe in one God, so we do not associate anything with Him. Let's see what the Quran says.
Almighty Allah says:
And do not call on anything besides Allah that can neither benefit you nor harm you. So if you do, you will surely be among the wrongdoers.
[Surah Yunus, verse 106]
Almighty Allah says:
And among the people, there are those who take others as equals to Allah and love them as they love Allah. And those who believe are stronger in their love for Allah. And if the oppressors see—when they see the punishment—surely all power belongs to Allah, and surely Allah is severe in punishment.
[Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 165]
Due to ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, or one-sidedness, some Muslim names do not study the Quran Hadith properly or do not read it at all. They depend on others only on what they hear and show excessive devotion to Pirs, Auliyas, and Dervishes. It should be remembered that God is the owner of liberation.
The most prevalent among us Muslims is that of Pir Auliya. Dervishes appear as Nazirs; they know the unseen, whether they are dead or alive. Hence, their help is sought for any problematic reason. Even graves or shrines are helped by lifting hands; prostration is given at shrines.
Almighty Allah says:
He has the keys to the unseen; no one knows about them except him.
[Surah Al An'am, verse 59]
Even the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not know the unseen. All the news came to him through revelation.
Narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). He said, Whoever tells you that Muhammad saw his Lord, he has lied. Because God says, the eye cannot see Him. And whoever tells you that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, knows the unseen has also lied. Because Allah says only Allah knows the unseen.
[Sahih Bukhari, 7380]
Therefore, since Adam (a.s.), many prophets and messengers have been sent, none of whom knew the unseen. There is no evidence in the Qur'an and Hadith that even the Prophet (s.a.w.) himself did not know the unseen; he had to wait for the arrival of Gabriel (a.s.) to know anything.
Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA), He said, The Prophet (peace be upon him) said one thing, and I said another. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever dies while invoking anyone other than Allah as his partner will go to Hell. And I said, The person who dies without calling anyone an equal with Allah? He said, He will go to Paradise.
[Sahih Bukhari 4497]
On the authority of Abu Ubaydah Ibn Abdullah (RA) and his father. He said, The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: He who repents from a sin is like an innocent person.
[Sunan Ibn Majah, 4250]
Almighty Allah says:
Surely Allah loves those who repent and loves those who attain greater purity.
[Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 222]
Therefore, it is not possible to attain Jannah without believing in Khalesh Tawheed and avoiding shirk. That is why we have to be supporters of Tawheed free from shirk in terms of belief and supporters of Sunnah free of bid'at in terms of practice.
When a Muslim or a believer commits shirk, knowingly or unknowingly, it becomes a cause of breaking faith. So we must always be aware. So that we do not associate anything with Allah or Him in any way.
May all of us live a shirk-free life by avoiding violence, misunderstanding, and dogmatism of all kinds. May Allah grant us that Tawfiq.