Allah Ta'ala has forbidden alcohol in four stages.
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What are the four stages of alcohol becoming haram? |
Allah Ta'ala has forbidden alcohol in four stages.
First Stage:
Allah Ta'ala declared through the revelation of the Qur'anic verses that you make good food items besides making wine from dates and grapes. As mentioned in the Holy Quran.
"And from the fruit of the palm tree and grapes you take intoxicants and good food." [Surah Nahl, verse: 67]
In this verse, Allah Ta'ala did not directly prohibit wine but informed that wine are different things. And good food is a different thing. After this verse was revealed, the Companions thought that Allah would soon reveal a law about wine.
Second Stage:
Then when the Companions asked the Prophet (PBUH) about wine, Allah revealed to his beloved Habib (saw) through the verses of the Qur'an that there are both benefits and harms in alcohol. But the harm is more than the benefit. It came in the Quran.
"They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say, in both of them there is a great sin and a benefit for people. And his sin is greater than his benefit.' [Surah Baqarah, verse: 219]
Through this verse, Allah Ta'ala created some hatred for wine in the hearts of the Companions. As a result, the companions were divided into two groups. A group rejected it, considering the harm. Others thought that since there was some benefit, there would be no problem in taking it.
The third stage:
At this stage, Allah Ta'ala revealed the verse that one should not even approach the prayer while intoxicated. As mentioned
O believers, do not approach the prayer while intoxicated.' [Surah Nisa, verse 43]
After the revelation of this verse, some other Companions abstained from alcohol. However, because alcohol was not directly prohibited, a small number of companions still drank alcohol at times other than during prayer.
Fourth Stage:
Finally, Allah Ta'ala made alcohol absolutely haram through the revelation of the Qur'anic verses. It is mentioned in the Quran.
O believers, surely wine, gambling, altars of idols, and arrows of fate are the works of evil Satan. So avoid it so that you may be successful.
In this verse, Allah Almighty prohibited alcohol completely and all the Companions stopped drinking alcohol. And that was the last verse about alcohol. May Allah protect us from this evil deed. Ameen