Wife's contribution to the domestic life

The husband returned from work all day and saw his 3 children playing in the dust in front of the house wearing the previous day's clothes.

Wife's contribution to the domestic life
Wife's contribution to the domestic life

 "The husband returned from work all day and saw his 3 children playing in the dust in front of the house wearing the previous day's clothes. The kitchen garbage bag full of garbage was kept in front of the house. There was a rotten smell and the buzzing of flies. He was surprised and quickly entered the house through the open door.


The situation inside is worse. Home is like a battlefield. Glass shards from broken bulbs littered the floor. Keep the carpet in pieces with the wall. Children's toys are scattered all over the house. A cartoon channel is playing on the TV at high volume. Clothes are strewn on the sofa, under the bed, on the window grill. The situation in the kitchen is even worse. Sink full of night, half of the morning dishes. The floor is littered with leftovers, and there are also flies. Fridge door half open; bottles of juice, empty packets of chocolate spread in front.


Seeing this, the man said, 'Ya Allah. What is the situation?' At the sound of water falling from the bathroom, his wife thought she was there. He went and saw that the water was overflowing through the open door of the bathroom. The water tap is open inside. Wet towels, clothes lying around. Bucket full of soapy water. The mouth of the toothpaste is open, and the brushes are lying in the basin. A pile of wet toilet paper is floating in the water on the floor. There is toothpaste on the basin mirror.


Throwing these away, he quickly ran towards the bedroom. His chest was heaving with unknown apprehension.


He removed the bedroom curtain with his cupped hand as if it fell from the sky. Saw... his wife lying comfortably on the bed with her legs crossed; a magazine in his hand, his eyes there. She saw her husband. Then, with a soft smile, he said, "Oh, you're here?"

Husband replied, "What is the misery of the house? Who lives here?"

The wife said with a smile again, "You often tell me what work I do all day at home." Husband remembered, yes, that's right. He told his wife yesterday. In front of her husband's surprised face, the wife said, "That's why I didn't do what I do every day."

the routine of our lives goes well with everyone's contribution


Let us not underestimate the role of husband, wife, or loved ones in our lives. Because the routine of our lives goes well with everyone's contribution; the rhythm, the rhythm, the rhythm of life is right.



Islamic Career: Wife's contribution to the domestic life
Wife's contribution to the domestic life
The husband returned from work all day and saw his 3 children playing in the dust in front of the house wearing the previous day's clothes.
Islamic Career
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