Punishment of those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Those who abuse and insult Rasulullah (SAW) are clearly declared Kafirs by the Qur'an, Hadith, Sahaba, and the consensus of the entire Muslim Ummah

Punishment of those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Punishment of those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Punishment of those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the description of the Qur'an

Those who abuse and insult Rasulullah (SAW) are clearly declared Kafirs by the Qur'an, Hadith, Sahaba, and the consensus of the entire Muslim Ummah. In the early days of Islam, those who tormented the Prophet, ridiculed him, were put to death as punishment. Below are the details of the punishment for insulting the Prophet in Islamic law:

In the eyes of the Qur'an, the Messenger of Shatim is infidel

In several places of the Qur'an there is a reference to the meaning of 'Satime Rasool kafir and apostate', some of which are as follows:

1. Whoever insults the Prophet and religion is a kafir and an apostate. Allah, the Exalted, said: 'Among them (i.e., the hypocrites) are those who trouble the Prophet and say (about him) that he is a deaf ear.

Say, He is the ear for what is good for you. He believes in Allah and believes in the believers. For those of you who (outwardly) believe, He is merciful. A painful punishment is prepared for those who trouble the Messenger of Allah.(Surah: Tawbah, verse: 61)

2. Another verse says, 'Do they not know that whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, for him is the Fire of Hell, where he will remain forever?' This is a great insult!' (Surah: Tawbah, verse: 63)

3. In another verse, "Those who trouble Allah and His Messenger, Allah curses them in this life and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment." (Surah: Ahzab, verse: 56)

It is evident from the above verse that whoever hurts or insults Rasulullah (SAW) is hurting or insulting Allah. And whoever hurts or insults Allah is a disbeliever. (As Sarimul Maslul, Pages 33-34; As Saiful Maslul, Volume-1, Page-370)

In the light of the hadith, the order to kill the Prophet in Shatim

A person who disrespects the Holy Prophet (PBUH), disrespects the Prophet, and has a derogatory attitude is also a Kafir.

Jarir Ibn Abdullah (RA) said, and the Prophet (PBUH) once said, "Who is the one who will take the responsibility (of killing) Ka'b Ibn Ashraf?" Because he caused trouble to Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger (PBUH).' Muhammad Ibn Maslama (RA) said, 'Yes.' Then he killed him.(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 2510-3031)

Ali (RA) said that a Jewish woman used to abuse the Prophet (PBUH) and speak ill of him. Once a person strangled him to death.

Rasulullah (SAW) declared his bloodshed null and void. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 4362)Ulamae Kiram said, This is clear evidence for killing the Prophet in Shatim. (Aqdiyatu Rasulullah (PBUH), Volume-1, Page-27)

Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) said that the law of killing a person who abuses Rasulullah (SAW) is still in force after the death of Rasulullah (SAW); rather, it has been given more importance than before. (As Sarimul Maslul, Page-94)

Historians wrote, The Prophet (PBUH) ordered the killing of two female slaves of Abdullah Ibn Khatal—those who used to sing Ibn Khatl's poem insulting the Prophet (PBUH). One of them is named Fartana, and the other is Kareena or Arnib. And one of them was killed, and Fartana believed, so the order of killing was relaxed on him, and he lived until the reign of Uthman (RA). The order to kill these two maidservants is clear proof that they were ordered to be killed because of the crime of insulting the Prophet. (As Sarimul Maslul, Page 110)

Mus'ab Ibn Sa'd (R.A.) said, On the day of the conquest of Makkah, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) granted security to all, except four men and two women. He says of them, They will be killed wherever they find them, even if they hold the veil of the Kaaba. They are Ikrima Ibn Abu Jahl, Abdullah Ibn Khatal, Mikayas Ibn Subaba, and Abdullah Ibn Saad Ibn Abu Sarah. Abdullah Ibn Khatal was found hanging with the Kaaba Gilaf, and two men rushed to kill him. One is Saeed Ibn Hurays; the other is Ammar Ibn Yasir (RA). Saeed was a jawan; he went ahead and killed him. And Mikays ibn Subaba was found by the people in the bazaar, and they killed him... (Nasa'i, Hadith: 4067)

Consensus of Sahabah Kiram and Tabeeen

The punishment for insulting the Prophet is death, and the Sahaba agree on this, and this consensus is proved by many incidents. Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) said that it is not possible to prove a more clear consensus on any issue than this, and there is no evidence that any of the Sahabah Kiram or any of the Tabi'in disagreed with the consensus of the Sahabah Kiram and the Tabi'in on this issue. (As Sarimul Maslul, Page-200)

Islamic Jurisprudence on Shatim Rasool

The views of the learned jurists of Islamic jurisprudence regarding the killing of Rasool in Shatim are given below:

Abu Bakr Al Jassaj (RA) said, There is no dispute among Muslims that whoever insults the Prophet (PBUH) intentionally is an apostate, and it is obligatory to kill him. (Ahkamul Qur'an, Volume-3, Page-86)

Imam Ibn Nuzaim (RA) said, Apostasy of a drunken or insane person is not valid, but because he abuses the Prophet, he becomes an apostate. So killing him (as an apostate) is obligatory, and his crime is never forgivable. (Al Ashbah wa An Nazair, Volume-2, Page-191)

Ibn Abedin Ash Shami (RA) said, Apostasy of a drunken or insane person is not valid, but because he abuses the Prophet, he becomes an apostate. So killing him (as an apostate) is obligatory, and his crime is never forgivable. (Fatwae Shami, Volume-4, Page-224)

The belief of Imam Malik (RA) and all the scholars of Madinah is that if a non-Muslim insults, abuses, or insults the Prophet (PBUH), then it is obligatory to kill him as well. (As Sarimul Maslul, Page-4)

Imam Ibn Munjir and Imam Al-Khattabi (RA) wrote about Imam Shafi'i (RA) that the Messenger would be killed in Sha'tim. (As Sarimul Maslul, Page-8)

Ibn Kasir (RA) said the punishment for the person who abuses the Prophet (PBUH) is to kill him. Similarly, whoever insults Islam and mentions it with disdain is also punishable by death. (Tafseer Ibn Kasir, Volume-2, Page 447)

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R.A.) said, If anyone abuses the Prophet (S.A.W.) or abuses or taunts him, then his punishment is death, whether he is a Muslim or a Kafir. And my opinion is that killing him is obligatory; his repentance is not acceptable. (As Saiful Maslul Ala Man Shabbar Rasool, Volume 1, Page 338)

A person who insults the honor of Rasool (PBUH), abuses or insults him, or insults the religion of Islam is a kafir, and it is incumbent upon the Muslim Ummah and the Islamic State to kill him. May Allah bless us. Amen.



Islamic Career: Punishment of those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Punishment of those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Those who abuse and insult Rasulullah (SAW) are clearly declared Kafirs by the Qur'an, Hadith, Sahaba, and the consensus of the entire Muslim Ummah
Islamic Career
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