Importance of freedom of speech: God has awarded man with the status of the best creation.
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Individual and freedom of speech in Islam |
Importance of freedom of speech:
God has awarded man with the status of the best creation.
Almighty Allah says:
And we honored the children of Adam, and we gave them vehicles on land and sea and gave them good sustenance. And we have given them great honor over many of those whom We have created.
[Surah Bani Israel verse 70]
Allah has given the ability to speak only to humans.
Most Merciful,
He taught the Quran,
He created man,
He taught him the language.
[Surah Ar-Rahman verses 1-4]
God has not given this power to any other creation. Man has been given this freedom of speech to lead his life and society in the way shown by Allah. Allah has created every human being with different intelligence, taste, strength, and knowledge. Through which the society can be managed properly by taking work from each other.
Almighty Allah says:
Do they share the mercy of your Lord? It is I who divide their livelihood among them in the life of the world and raise one of them above the other so that they may accept each other as subordinates. And what they save is better than the mercy of your Lord.
[Surah Az-Zukhruf verse 32]
That is why he gave everyone the freedom to develop their own talent and taste. It is natural. It is the responsibility of the family and society to create an environment for the development of the natural talent of the human child and to fully cooperate behind it. Human children are born free. His taste and talent began to develop in childhood. Even if he does any wrongdoing, it does not matter. They develop from puberty onwards. At this time he has to think right and wrong. As a result, his freedom of speech and personal freedom started to be controlled. It is here that the Qur'an directs him to the right path. If he does the opposite, he goes astray. So freedom of speech in Islam means freedom of truth and correct speech.
Almighty Allah says:
O you who believe, fear Allah, and speak the truth.
He will purify your deeds for you and forgive your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, surely he has achieved great success.
[Surah Al-Ahzaab verses 70-71]
"Right speech" is that which is spoken in fear of Allah and in which no hypocrisy is resorted to. 'Then He will correct your deeds' means that even if it is wrong, it will be forgiven and the deeds will be corrected. 'That person achieves great success' means that person achieves great success in this world and the hereafter. But the success of the hereafter is certain, and that is the greatest success. And worldly success is temporary. Which in most cases are received by infidels and hypocrites. As Namrud-Pharaoh and their followers have received and continue to receive. But success in the Hereafter is eternal, and its honor and dignity in this world are also eternal. Such as the success of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the loyal followers of the Prophets throughout the ages. Even their external failure in the world is considered a stepping stone to success in the final judgment. As many prophets and messengers were killed by their opponents and their true followers were persecuted. But people have followed them through the ages, and they have been respected and honored in all ages.
Almighty Allah says:
You will believe in Allah and His Messenger, and you will strive in the way of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is good for you, if you only knew.
[Surah As-Saf verse 11]
Allah has promised the believing men and believing women paradise under which rivers will flow, wherein they will abide forever, and holy abodes in eternal gardens. And the satisfaction from Allah is the greatest. This is great success.
[Surah At-Tawbah verse 72]
Freedom of speech means freedom of speech and expression of one's opinion freely for the purpose of pleasing Allah, which does not infringe upon the freedom of expression of others. Doing something or saying anything for the sake of Satan's satisfaction will not be considered freedom of speech and individuality; rather, it will be freedom of arbitrariness and animality. Which is not desirable in human society.
According to Islam, people are free to choose their thoughts, ideals, and beliefs. No one has the right to force him in this case. Islam also accepts dissenters. God created man as the best creature. And only man has been given the power to speak. Allah has given the best creatures of His creation, human beings, different tastes, knowledge, wisdom, and strength from one to another. And using all these things, he urged people to build a healthy and beautiful state or society. And for that purpose, God has given people freedom of speech. So that they can play a role in building a beautiful society according to their own wishes. Islam says freedom of speech is the freedom to seek beautiful, true, and right words and the right path. Islam is the real source of this freedom and fearlessness of expressing true opinion. The influence of truth never fails. The influence and scope of truth beget others. The main purpose of freedom of speech in Islam is that people are able to establish freedom, equality, justice, and justice in their overall lives.
If we look at the pre-Islamic society, there was no freedom of speech. Islam proclaimed freedom of speech as a principle at a time when the whole world was plunged into darkness. All over the world, there was a festival of selling slaves. Where the king had all the power. The subjects were enslaved. The people of that time did not know that there is something called freedom of speech. Islam declares freedom against this chain of slavery of man. With the grace of Islam, people achieved the freedom of belief, freedom of thought and criticism, and above all, freedom of speech that the people of the world had been hoping for forever.
Early Freedom of Speech:
In the past, only the laws written by religious and social leaders were accepted as the final laws for the people, and not a single word could be raised against them. The powerful class treated the weaker class arbitrarily. kept them bound in their bonds of slavery. There was no freedom of speech or expression.
Present-day freedom of speech:
Party democracy in the present era is acting as one of the main tools to suppress freedom of speech. Where the decision of the ruling party is considered final in all matters. They do not tolerate any opposition. Because they have no standard of ultimate truth as in ancient times. In the current democracy, party leaders are above all excuses. Even the leaders and workers of their own party do not have the opportunity to express their opinions freely.
Freedom of Speech in Islam:
In the eyes of Islam, human freedom of speech and individuality are included in his birthright and natural subject. He will spend it for the sake of pleasing Allah, his Creator. Which will never hide.
Almighty Allah says:
Verily, those who conceal the clear signs and guidance which We have sent down, after making it clear to mankind in the Book, Allah curses them, and those who curse them.
Except those who have repented, reformed, and explained clearly. Therefore, I will accept their repentance. And I am the Accepting of Repentance, the Most Merciful.
[Surah Al-Baqara verses 159-160]
By speaking the truth, the believer gains honor in this life and the hereafter. If he wants to gain honor in other ways, Allah will humiliate him. As he says,
All dignity belongs to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers. But the hypocrites do not know that.
[Surah Al Munafiqun, verse 8]
Conception of knowledge.
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), he said, The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: He who is asked about knowledge that he knows, then conceals it, will be given reins of fire on the Day of Resurrection.
[Sunan at-Tirmidhi 2649]
Helping the ruler in wrongdoing.
Narrated by Ka'b Ibn Uzra (RA). "The Messenger of Allah, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, came to us, and there were nine of us. He said, Behold, soon after me there will be a ruler who accepts their lies and helps them in wrongdoing; he is not of my party, and he will have nothing to do with me. He will not come to me on the Day of Resurrection, and those who do not listen the truth to the lies of these rulers and will not help them in oppression; He is my mate, and I am his mate; and this person will come to me in the air.
[Sunan Nasa'i 4208]
Because of the above sayings of Allah and His Messenger, the companions and the true believers have always freely expressed their opinions and spoken the truth.
Islam has created a certain boundary of freedom of speech. So that people don't get confused and harm others or social degradation and take away the freedom and rights of others. It is said in verse 15 of Surah Al-Jasiyah of the Holy Quran:
Almighty Allah says:
Whoever does good does it for himself, and whoever does evil, it will be upon him. Then you will return to your Lord.
Surah Al-Jasiya, verse 15