Sign Language in the Quran.

Means of sign language in the Quran. Introduction to sign language.

Sign Language in the Quran.
Sign Language in the Quran.

It is almost impossible to live on earth without mutual communication. And the main means of mutual communication is human speech, but people are not always able to speak. Many people cannot speak due to birth defects. Many others lose their language due to accidents.

These people use sign language in mutual communication. The use of sign language has been shown in several places in the Holy Quran, which also proves the recognition, dignity and acceptability of sign language.

Introduction to sign language.

The language that is usually used through gestures and indications is called sign language. In the terminology of Shariah, sign language is to accept such things as a substitute for language that are not actually used for speech or description.

However, it is accepted as language due to necessity. For example, remaining silent, expressing reactions through body language, etc.

(Nurul Anwar: 2/201; Al Ittisalul Insani wa Dauruhu Fittafaulil Ijtimay, page 75)

Dr. Muhammad Amin Musa Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) said that the concept of communication without verbal language is found in about 4,480 verses of the Holy Quran, which is about 72 percent of the total verses of the Holy Quran. It is possible to prove non-verbal communication from 111 of the 114 Surahs of the Holy Quran, which is 97 percent of the total Surahs.

(Al Ittisalu Ghairul Lafziyyee Fil Quranil Karim, page 22)

Gestures as an alternative to speech.

In several verses of the Holy Quran, gestures have been mentioned as an alternative to speech or verbal language. For example, when Maryam (peace be upon her) was asked about her child, she indicated to him to know his identity. It is said, "Then Maryam pointed to her child. They said, ‘How can we speak to one who is in her womb"?

(Surah Maryam, verse: 29)

In another verse, Allah says, “Your sign is that you will not be able to speak for three days except by signs.”

(Surah Ale Imran, verse: 41).

Means of sign language in the Quran.

All the means recognized as means of sign language have been described.

For example—

1. Eyes: Eyes are a powerful means of expressing human expression. The Holy Quran says, “When they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you will see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have understood.”

(Surah: Maidah, verse: 83)

Another verse says, “He turned away from them and said, ‘Woe to Joseph!’ His eyes turned white with grief, and he was in unbearable anguish.”

(Surah: Yusuf, verse: 84)

2. Face: The face is called the mirror of the heart. The feelings of a person are easily revealed through the face. Allah the Almighty says, ‘You will see on their faces a radiance of comfort.’

(Surah: Al-Mutaffifin, verse: 24)

Elsewhere it is said, ‘When one of them is given the good news of a female child, his face becomes black and he is seized with unbearable grief.’

(Surah: An-Nahl, verse: 58)

3. Hand movements: In the Holy Quran, Allah describes the condition of man through the movements (actions) of his hands. It is said, ‘Do not tie your hands to your necks, nor extend them fully, lest you become condemned and destitute.’

(Surah: Bani Isra’il, verse: 29)

The verse warns against stinginess and unaccountable spending.

Elsewhere it is said, ‘His wealth was surrounded by calamity, and he began to rub his hands together (regret) over what he had spent on it, when it was destroyed along with the scaffolding.’

(Surah: Al-Kahf, verse: 42)

4. Head movements: People also express their feelings through head movements. The Holy Quran says, ‘When it is said to them, “Come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you,” they turn away, and you will see them turning away in arrogance.’

(Surah: Al-Munafiqun, verse: 5)

Elsewhere it is said, ‘If only you could see! When the criminals bow their heads before their Lord, saying, “Our Lord! We have seen and heard.”

(Surah: Al-Sajdah, verse: 12)

5. Body posture: People’s expressions are revealed through body posture. Allah the Almighty says, “Those who consume usury will be like one whom Satan has driven mad by his touch. That is because they say, ‘Buying and selling is like usury.’ But Allah has permitted buying and selling and forbidden usury.”

(Surah: Al-Baqarah, verse: 275)

Acceptance of gesture in Shariah.

The gesture of a person who is unable to speak is acceptable in ordinary transactions. However, gesture is not acceptable as evidence. The jurists say, ‘The gesture of a mute person (who is unable to speak) is acceptable in Shariah. Gesture will replace verbal language in those cases where speech is necessary and in which a promise is involved. Therefore, gesture is acceptable in all contracts. Such as sale, rent, mortgage, marriage. Gesture is acceptable in all exemptions. Such as divorce, freeing a slave, and declaring oneself exempt from liability in any matter. Thus, gesture is acceptable in confession. According to most Imams, gestures are not acceptable in any matter other than hadd or penal law, except confession. For example, giving testimony. Imam Shafi’i (may Allah have mercy on him) said, “If a person is able to communicate through gestures, then testimony through gestures is acceptable. There is no difference between a mute person being able to write and not being able to write in terms of the acceptance of gestures.”

(Al Mauswatul Fiqhiyah: 1/278; Fathul Qadir: 7/397)

May Allah give all the right knowledge. Amen.



Islamic Career: Sign Language in the Quran.
Sign Language in the Quran.
Means of sign language in the Quran. Introduction to sign language.
Islamic Career
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