Trust in Allah is an important act of worship.

Trust in Allah is an important act of worship.

Trust in Allah
Trust in Allah is an important act of worship.

Trust in Allah

 No servant can pass a single moment without trust in Allah. Trust in Allah is also an important act of worship. Because through this, the relationship with God monotheism becomes longer and deeper.

In this context, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And trust in the Living Being (Allah), who will never die.

  - Surah Furqan: 58

In the mentioned verse, Allah has ordered the Prophet (PBUH) to rely on him.

Do not present yourself to anyone but Him. Because He is Eternal, He has no death.

He is mighty, nothing can defeat him.

He will be sufficient for the person who depends on him. so Allah help him and support him.

And whoever puts his trust in anyone other than Allah, he has put his trust in something that will die, disappear and decay. Weakness and disability surround him from all sides.

Because of this, the trusting appeal to him is destroyed, he becomes disoriented.

What is the virtue and dignity on trusting God? What is the importance of deepening the heart relationship with him?

Tawakkul or relying on Allah means to rely on Allah from the heart for all the benefits and harms of this world and the hereafter. The servant will entrust all his affairs to Allah. This will bring firmness in faith that no one has the power to give or take, to benefit or harm, except for Him alone.

Allah Ta'ala has mentioned many verses in the Holy Qur'an encouraging the believing servants to Tawakkul. For example, it has been said, 'If you are believers, then put your trust in Allah.

- Surah Al-Maida: 23

In hadith, many hadiths have been narrated about the importance of tawakkul and encouraging it. Narrated from Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (RA). He said, Hazrat Rasoolullah (SAW) said, If you put your trust in Allah correctly, He would provide you with sustenance, just as He provides sustenance for birds. Those who go out in the morning with an empty stomach and return at night with a full stomach.

– Ahmad and Tirmidhi

Here is an important thing to remember, with pure reliance on Allah, it is necessary to seek and work for means of livelihood - not to sit on trust. In this context, the Qur'an says, 'Fear Allah, and let the believers put their trust in Allah. - Surah Al-Maida: 11

Here it is said to fear Allah along with trust. And it includes all the materials mentioned. So it is a great form of disobedience to just sit back and trust without resorting to the prescribed means or working - even though tawakkul is found in it. Therefore no man should convert trust into impossibility or convert impossibility into trust. Rather, all the tools he uses will include trust.

Islamic scholars say that Tawakkul is of two types-

1. Trusting in matters over which no one but Allah has any power.

2. hope on external means and objects.

A valid trust is a person entrusting another person to perform a task on his behalf. The person in charge will be competent in the matter. In this case too he will not depend entirely on the person. Rather, he himself and the person in charge will rely on Allah for the implementation of the matter.

This example is notable for the implementation of Tawakkul and the adoption of legitimate means and means to connect the heart with Allah - Hazrat Rasulullah (SAW) left Makkah for Madinah during Hijrah. Later he hid himself in a cave called 'Soor'. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) narrated the incident of Hijrah of the Prophet (pbuh) and said, "When we were in 'Gare Soor', I looked up and saw the feet of the polytheists right above our heads. I said, O Messenger of God! Only if one of them looks at his feet will he see us. Then he said to me, 'What do you think about us two, O Abu Bakr! God is our third person. That is, our helper.

- Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala has described it like this, 'When the disbelievers expelled him, he was one of the two, while they were in the cave. Then he said to his companion, do not be sad, God is with us.

  - Surah Tawbah: 40

So whoever trusts in Allah, he will gain his status unimaginably, he will enjoy its results. And he will be the most open hearted person, the happiest person.

Allah Ta'ala says, 'Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He is Sufficient for him.

  - Surah Talaq: 3



Islamic Career: Trust in Allah is an important act of worship.
Trust in Allah is an important act of worship.
Trust in Allah is an important act of worship.
Islamic Career
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