Do people exist or what?

Do people exist or what? Within twenty-four hours following burial, worms begin to develop inside the human body and emerge via the corpse's anus.


Do people exist or what?
dead body

Part 1👇

Do people exist or what?

Within twenty-four hours following burial, worms begin to develop inside the human body and emerge via the corpse's anus. It also emits a stench that is unbearable. And that stench invites insect congeners.

All the insects, spiders, bugs started traveling towards human dead body after smelling it and all of them started eating human flesh.

The nose first started to decay and deteriorate three days after burial.

After six days the nail started to fall off.

After nine days the hair started to fall out.

All the hair on the human body falls out and the stomach begins to swell.

After 17 days the stomach bursts and all the internal parts of the body come out.

After 60 days all flesh is gone from the corpse's body. The human body has lost every last bit of its flesh.

All of the bones separate from one another after ninety days.

After a year all the bones of the human body are mixed with the soil.

And the human body whose body was buried is erased from all existence.

So my brothers and sisters say-

So much pride, so much self-conceit, so much envy, so much hatred, so much lust, so much name, so much bravery, so much honor, so much power, so much strength, so much property, so much ability, where does this king go?

Everything blends into the ground.

Do people exist or what?

Created from the earth, buried in the earth, merged in the earth.

After the 5ft, 6ft, 7ft man goes to the grave, his name, mark is erased.

When a serious wanderer in this world goes to the grave, his existence is nothing but earth.

As a result, one ought to make an effort to live in a way that promotes beauty and tranquility in the actual, eternal existence.

Each and every nice deed ought to be communicated. And one ought to implore the Creator to eliminate all wicked thoughts from the world.

Part 2👇

If you don't have Rizq, you never get.

I invited a friend for coffee one evening. The friend laughed and said,

  If there is Rizq, I will come for coffee inshallah.

A little surprised, I said,

  I always hear this line in your mouth. Do you say it is a religious belief or there is an event?

The friend became a little emotional. said,

  A few years ago. Went on a short tour for office work in a Middle Eastern country. There were some other invited guests from other countries. I went from the hotel to a port with a European. When we got back from work at the port, the gentleman said, "I'm very hungry, and I really want to eat pizza."

The friend paused and added,

  We stopped midway at a Pizza Hut outlet. He went to the restaurant and sat, I went to the counter, paid the bill, ordered two chicken pizzas and sat in front of him.

Twenty minutes later the waiter brought two chicken pizzas. He saw the chicken and said,

  I really want to eat vegetable pizza. Can be found?

I went back up and paid for the vegetable pizza and ordered it. I was slowly biting into my chicken pizza as it was getting cold. The waiter brought the vegetable pizza fifteen minutes later.

I can't believe it, then the gentleman turned to one side with chest pain. Then he lay down on that double chair. Suspecting a stroke or heart attack, they called the emergency to inform the restaurant.

A state-of-the-art ambulance arrived in 7 minutes. After 17 minutes, he is in the CCU of the best hospital in the city. But the doctors tried for 15 minutes but could not save him. He was only fifty-five. He probably died on the way to the hospital.

The friend finally said in a heavy voice,

  He wanted to eat, we stopped at a restaurant. I ordered, the pizza came. If it was chicken, it might have been eaten. But he wanted to eat vegetable pizza. I paid the price too. The pizza came to the table. But he could not eat a single bite of that vegetable pizza. Will never eat again.

Because, that vegetable pizza was not in his diet!



Islamic Career: Do people exist or what?
Do people exist or what?
Do people exist or what? Within twenty-four hours following burial, worms begin to develop inside the human body and emerge via the corpse's anus.
Islamic Career
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