Description of Paradise: How beautiful is Paradise, and who will enter it?

Description of Paradise: How beautiful is Paradise, and who will enter it?

Description of Paradise
Description of Paradise

Description of Paradise: How beautiful is Paradise, and who will enter it?

 Jannah, which literally means "garden", is what we call heaven.

Paradise is a place of endless happiness.

Those who can gain the pleasure of Allah can enter the paradise of eternal happiness.

Abu Hurayra (RA) said, I asked, O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), what is paradise made of? He said, With gold and silver bricks. A silver brick, then a gold brick, is thus built. Its construction materials are fragrant mrignavi, pebbles are pearls, and earth is saffron. The people who enter Paradise will be very happy and will not touch any suffering or want. He will abide by it forever and never die. His clothes will not wear out, and his youth will not end.

(Jame' at-Tirmidhi, Description of Paradise)

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) also said: The people of Paradise will not have any hair on their bodies; they will not have beards or mustaches; and their eyes will be covered with surma. Their youth will never end, and their clothes will never grow old.

(Tirmidhi-Description of Paradise)

Allah Ta'ala says about the spaciousness of paradise:

When you look, you will see all kinds of luxury and a vast kingdom. (Surah Ad-Dahr: 20)

In a description of Muslim Sharif, it is found that the last person to enter Paradise will have the border of Paradise equal to 10 of this world. Then think about how big heaven is. Subhanallah

Each of the Jannatis will have tents in their mansions where the hurrahs will stay.

Allah Ta'ala says:

Sulochana Sundari will be protected in the tent. (Ar Rahman, 72) [20]

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, There will be a tent of pearls in Paradise. Its width will be sixty miles. Hur-Bala will be in each corner. One corner of them cannot see the other corner. Believers will go to them.

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith Number: 4879)

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said, "There will be two gardens (in Paradise). All the vessels of these two and all the things inside them will be made of silver, and there will be two more gardens (in Paradise). All the containers for these two and everything inside will be made of gold. And the people of Paradise will see their Lord in Eden.

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 4878)

In Paradise, there will be beautiful trees. The trees of Paradise will be without thorns, and their shadows will be long.

Allah Ta'ala says:

And the team on the right—how lucky! They will be among the thornless plum trees. Bananas arranged in rows, shade over vast areas, constant flowing water, and ample fruits. That which is not final and is not prohibited (Surah Al-Waqbi'ah: 27–33) [

The trees of this paradise will always be green, and the roots of the trees of paradise will be golden.

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Every tree in paradise will have its roots made of gold.

(Tirmidhi-KKitabul Jannah)

In this paradise, the people will have different fruits for food.

Allah Ta'ala says

The Muttakis will be in the midst of shadows and fountains, and for them will be fruits—whatever their hearts desire. (They will be told to eat and drink to your heart's content as a reward for what you used to do.) This is how I reward the righteous. (Surah Al-Mursalat: 41-44)

Allah Ta'ala also says

The shade of the trees of Paradise will be over them, and the bunch of fruits will be kept within their reach. (Ad-Dahr 14

The fruits of paradise will be abundant. In a hadith narrated on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radiyallahu Ta'ala Anhu, it is found that the Companions asked Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, "O Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam! We saw you; you are standing here and going to reach out for something. A little later, I saw that he took his hand back." Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "I saw paradise. So I was going to take a bunch of fruit from paradise. If I had taken it, you would have eaten it until the end of the earth." (Sahih Muslim)

(Paradise fruit rhymes are too big to finish eating.)

Regarding what the drink will be like for the people in Paradise, Allah Ta'ala says,

The likeness of Paradise promised to the Muttaqeed is: In it are springs of pure water, rivers of milk whose taste is unchangeable, rivers of sweet water for drinkers, and rivers of refined honey. (Surah Muhammad, 15)

Apart from this, there will be kauser in the house for the heavenly ones to drink.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Kawsar is a river of paradise. Both arrows are made of gold. Its water flows through rubies and pearls. Its soil is more fragrant than meshak. Its water is sweeter than honey and whiter than snow." (Tirmidhi) [35]

Rasulullah (SAW) was asked, What is Kawshar? He said, "This is a river, which Allah Ta'ala has given me in Paradise. Its water is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. There are many birds in it. Their necks will be like the necks of camels.”.

Umar (RA) said, then they will be fresh. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Those who eat them will be more beautiful and happy.

(Tirmidhi-KKitabul Jannah)

Allah Ta'ala says

Silver vessels will be served round and round in front of them, along with white stone drinking vessels. That white stone will also be made of silver. They will fill them with the proper amount. They will be served with vessels containing a ginger mixture for drinking. There is a spring called Salsabeel. (Surah Ad-Dahr: 15–18)


Allah has prepared paradise for believers with countless blessings. A Jannatee can go to Jannat and enjoy all these blessings.

Dear reader, describing the qualities of paradise will no

t end. However, for those that are clearly found in the Qur'an and Hadith, I will discuss them one by one.



Islamic Career: Description of Paradise: How beautiful is Paradise, and who will enter it?
Description of Paradise: How beautiful is Paradise, and who will enter it?
Description of Paradise: How beautiful is Paradise, and who will enter it?
Islamic Career
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