Punishment for not praying.

Punishment for not praying.

Punishment for not praying.
Punishment for not praying.

Allah declares in His Qur'an:

فَوَيْلُ لِّلْمُصَلِّيْنَ الَّذِيْنَ هُمْ عَنْ صَلَوتِهِمْ سَاهُوْنَ

Pronunciation: Fawaylulilal Muchalilnallajinahum Ansalatihim Chahun.

Hazrat Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallahu ta'ala anhu) narrated: There is a big hole in hell called Jahannam; its name is oil. This place is so full of severe punishment that the other people of Hell will pray to Allah seventy times a day, O Allah Tabaruk Ta'ala! Save us from that oil hell.


How can such people be punished who are too lazy to pray and do not pray on time?

It is mentioned in the hadith that eighty days should be left for each prayer. One chokba is equal to eighty years of the world. If he performs a one-time prayer for 1600 (one thousand six hundred) years, he will be in hell. Those who do not pray at all and do not believe in prayer will be eternally in Hell.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the difference between a Muslim and an infidel is that a Muslim prays and an infidel does not. who doesn't pray is counted among the infidels. If someone says what the prayer is or what will happen after praying, he will immediately become a disbeliever. Many people say that we are poor people who have to earn a living. Where is the prayer time? They do not think that the happiness of this world is temporary and the peace of the hereafter is eternal. There is no one as arrogant as those who spoil eternal happiness, peace, and hope for two days of peace in the world. Allah is the owner of livelihood. If he does not kindly give sustenance, sustenance cannot be obtained by the toil of the whole life. And if Allah gives His mercy, He can make him rich in a moment. Therefore, prayer should not be abandoned due to the arrival of sustenance.


Many girls say that they do not have time to pray after taking care of their children. Again, I don't have clothes to pray in. I can't purify a single piece of cloth properly. How do I pray? All these bad excuses have no value in the court of Allah. Those who are interested in praying are able to pray even in the face of various obstacles. And there is no limit to the objections of those who do not pray. On the Day of Judgement, when Allah the Exalted will sit in the seat of Qazi, all these weighty objections will be useless.


Allah has prescribed fifteen punishments for those who do not pray. Of the fifteen punishments, six will be given in this world: three at the time of death, three in the grave, and three for the dead.


Six punishments in the world

  1. There will be no blessing in his life.
  2. Allah will remove the sign of a righteous person from his face.
  3. Whoever does good deeds will not be rewarded.
  4. His prayers will not be accepted by Allah.
  5. All the angels of God will be dissatisfied with him.
  6. Will be deprived of the precious blessings of Islam.


There are three punishments at the time of death:

  1. He will die in great distress.
  2. Will die of starvation.
  3. At the time of death, he will feel so thirsty that he will want to drink all the water in the world.


Three torments in the grave

  1. His grave will be so narrow that the bones of one side of him will meet with the bones of the other side and will be crushed.
  2. In his grave, fire will always be kept burning day and night.
  3. Allah will appoint an angel of punishment at his grave. He will have an iron rod in his hand. He will keep telling the dead person why everyone in the world did not pray. Enjoy its fruits today. This means that for not offering Fajr prayer, from Fajr to Zuhr, for Zuhr prayer from Zohr to Asr, for Asr prayer from Asr to Maghrib, for Maghrib prayer from Maghrib to Isha, and for Isha prayer from Isha to Fajr, At each blow, there would be a sound like thunder, and the body would be crushed and sent fifty yards underground. That angel will bring him back to life, unite his bones and flesh, and continue to strike him again. In this way, they will continue to hit him with iron rods until the end of the day.


Three punishments in the field of Hashr

  1. An angel will lead him to the fields of Hashr with his feet up and his head down.
  2. May Allah not look upon him with favor.
  3. He will suffer the consequences of his actions in hell forever.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Allah will be displeased on the Day of Resurrection with eight classes of people among my Ummah." The shape of their face will be very ugly. Every man in Hashr's field shall see them and hate them. After hearing this, the companions asked, O Messenger of Allah! Who are all those people? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,


2)Abi-charaka is a king or ruler.

3.Disobedient children of parents.

4. usurer

5.The post-slanderer

6.wrongdoers and tyrants

7. false witness


Among them, the punishment for non-prayer will be greater. The non-prayer will be clothed in fire, chained, and flogged with fire. Heaven will keep telling him you do not advance towards me. Hell will tell him I am waiting for you. I will satisfy the hunger in my stomach with you. Saying this, hell will raise his tongue and take him inside.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, There is a pit called Lamlam in Hell. It is filled with many snakes and scorpions. Each snake will be equivalent to a snake, and a scorpion will be equivalent to an elephant. All those snakes and scorpions will always bite the non-prayer; once in bite, he will suffer for seventy years, and no one will die.



Islamic Career: Punishment for not praying.
Punishment for not praying.
Punishment for not praying.
Islamic Career
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