Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail's Biography

Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail Biography All those who have visited the Haram Sharif in Makkah to perform Hajj or Umrah must have noticed one thing:


Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail Biography
Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail's Biography

Biography of Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail

All those who have visited the Haram Sharif in Makkah to perform Hajj or Umrah must have noticed one thing: the soles of the feet do not burn but rather feel quite cold while doing Tawaf around the Kaabah under the open sky under the scorching sun.

Because there is an amazing history behind it.

Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail (1908–2008) was an Egyptian engineer and architect. He was more comfortable in the public eye. He was the first and youngest student in Egypt's history to graduate from the Royal School of Engineering after high school. He was also the youngest among the students sent to Europe and the first Egyptian engineer to hold three doctorate degrees in Islamic architecture.

 Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail was the first engineer to undertake the planning and execution of the Haramain (Mecca-Madina) expansion project. Despite being recommended by Saudi King Fahd and the bin Laden group to oversee this massive operation, he did not accept any remuneration; he returned a large check! His honesty and sincerity towards work made him a favorite and special confidant of King Fahad and King Abdullah.

 He said to Bakr bin Laden, If I get paid for the work of these two holy mosques, how will I stand in front of Allah on the day of judgment?

Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail's personal life

In his personal life, he got married at the age of 44. His wife died giving birth. After that, he never married again. He devoted his whole life until his death to the maintenance of the House of Allah. Staying away from the limelight of money, wealth, fame, and media, he has invested his entire life of 100 years in the service of the two mosques of Mecca and Medina.

 There is a wonderful incident in his life with the marble work of the Haram Sharif of Makkah-Madinah. He wanted the floor of Masjidul Haram to be covered with marble, which has special heat absorption capacity for Tawaf pilgrims. This particular type of marble was not readily available. This type of marble was found only on a small mountain in Greece.

 Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail went to Greece and signed a contract to buy enough marble. He returned to Makkah, and the stock of white marble also arrived. On time, the white marble work on the Masjidul Haram floor was completed in a special design.

 Exactly 15 years later, the Saudi government asked him to cover the surrounding area of Masjidoon Nabi with white marble in the same way. But Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail felt disoriented! Because that special type of marble is not found anywhere in the world except that small place in Greece, and half of what was there was already bought and used in the Haram Sharif of Makkah. The marble that remained—it is little compared to the spacious square of Masjidoon Nabi!

Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail again went to Greece.

 He met with the CEO of that company and asked how much of that mountain was left. The CEO said, 15 years ago, the rest of the mountain was sold immediately after he bought it! Hearing this, he was so upset that he could not even finish his coffee! Decided to return to Makkah on the next flight. Before leaving the office, think of going to the office secretary and asking for the name and address of the buyer who bought the rest of the marbles.

 Although it was a difficult task, he promised to check the old records for Kamal's repeated requests. While leaving his name and phone number, Kamal thought to himself, What's the point of knowing who bought it after 15 years?

 Before leaving for the airport the next day, the office secretary said on the phone that the buyer's name and address had been found! Kamal thought as he slowly walked towards the office: What's the point of getting the address? Many years have passed.

 When he reached the office, the secretary gave him the name and address of the buyer. Dr. with the address. Mohammad Kamal Ismail's heart rate increased when he saw that the buyer of the remaining marble is a Saudi company!

Kamal returned to Saudi Arabia that day.

 On reaching there, he met the company's director of administration and asked: What did they do with the marbles, which they bought from Greece many years ago?

 Director Admin couldn't remember anything at first. I contacted the company's stock room and asked, What was done with the white marbles brought from Greece 15 years ago? They found out that the white marble is all in stock and not used anywhere!

 Hearing this, Kamal started crying like a baby. When asked why he was crying, he explained the whole incident to the owner of the company. Dr. Kamal asked the company to issue a blank check on behalf of the Saudi government and settle the amount as desired. But when the owner of the company found out that this white marble would be used to build the mosque of the Prophet (PBUH), he immediately refused to accept the exchange price and said, "Allah subhanutayala bought it for me, and He made me forget about it." Because this marble has come for the purpose of the Prophet's mosque!



Islamic Career: Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail's Biography
Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail's Biography
Dr. Mohammad Kamal Ismail Biography All those who have visited the Haram Sharif in Makkah to perform Hajj or Umrah must have noticed one thing:
Islamic Career
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