she is the mother of your child.

There can be a thousand reasons for not liking a wife, because she is not above human error


she is the mother of your child.
she is the mother of your child.

There can be a thousand reasons for not liking a wife, because she is not above human error. But one reason enough to love her is “she is the mother of your child.”.

Men are like farmers. During the sowing season, spread the seeds and wait for a beautiful germination! In the hope of a good yield, the land may not care! But we do not know how a seed transforms into a tree by grasping the chest of soft soil and absorbing its nutrients!

A lot of wet stories hidden behind the growth of another living body in one body for 9 months! Ignoring the tearful sleepless nights and the cruel pain of not being able to eat despite the intense hunger, thousands of physical complications, and even the fear of death, he counted the hours of waiting to see the smile on the face of the man he loved with the gift of 'fatherhood'!

Only the owner of heaven and earth knows how many ocean tears of pain are shed in the depths of a heart-rending scream in every moment of the natural process of childbirth! Therefore, from the sky, he acknowledges this suffering and says:


And I have commanded man to be kind to his parents. (Because) his mother conceived him with great difficulty and gave birth to him with great difficulty. (Surah Ahkaf: 15)

The shrieking girl, at the sight of the little needle pricking the nose and ears, walks like a warrior into the operating room to willingly sacrifice herself under the doctor's sharp weapon to safely hand you the fruit of your implanted seed and comes back with a wounded and bloody corpse lying on a stretcher! Sometimes these true heroes pass away silently in the corner of the hospital or in the hospital bed!
Tell me, is it possible to not like this person?

the girl sacrifices her beauty forever to conceive your child.

Your wife was a look-aware princess of a father who grabbed her father's throat and was eager for all sorts of cosmetics. Uncompromising on beauty, the girl sacrifices her beauty forever to conceive your child. Knowing that a mother never regains her former physical shape and beauty, your virility never fades.
It doesn't take a great deal of conscience to understand how the arrow of pain will tear her heart to pieces if you're the one who pokes at that beauty lost because of you!

Isn't the claim of masculinity unreasonable if the man who does not get a leave from motherhood from the day the child sprouts in the womb is not good? Think, open the eyes of conscience, and think a hundred times!



Islamic Career: she is the mother of your child.
she is the mother of your child.
There can be a thousand reasons for not liking a wife, because she is not above human error
Islamic Career
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