We want action | we want justice for Moumita Debnath.

This is Moumita Devanath, a 31-year-old doctor from West Bengal and GK Medical College. It's body. 18/20 men! 113 banana stains!


We want action

This is Moumita Devanath, a 31-year-old doctor from West Bengal and GK Medical College.

It's body...

18/20 men!

113 banana stains!

Therefore, 150 grams of sperm!

At the time of the rape, both of them were holding Tai's hands.

Oh cruel human society!🥹

Because of many direct shootings in public places, rape, if you hear the signs of violence, you will feel sorry. If you hear the request of a cut, why bring our legal system to hear the devil in the court? If you can find justice, in the place of the government, in front of all the people, If appropriate punishment is given; Then next generation will be right.

of course,

When the country can become a murderous, oppressive minister and legislator, then what can people believe in the country's legal system.?

And if the law system is now done now, then I will punish the devil.

Why did they beat me like this?

Mom I went to duty like I go to duty, but I didn't know that today will be my last day!! I had dinner with my juniors to tell stories together. You know, mom ordered my favorite food online; that's what I ate today. Even then, I could have understood that this is the last meal, this is the last story. I am bound by duty. When I was tired, mother, my eyes were closing in sleep. I went to relieve some body fatigue; if I knew, mother, I would go to rest like a lifetime. Then I was alone in the ward in the early morning, and when I felt a little cold in the morning cold air, I covered the red sheet. I just closed my eyes, waiting for that time they are with me... Shih!!! Mom, I was suffering a lot; you know, I resisted many times and shouted, "Save, save, who are you, save me!" But no one could hear my screams, my cries, you know, mother, and they started using me more than animals. They started playing with me!!! I fell in their hands; you know, I also said, "Leave me; please, leave me; I won't tell anyone; let me go." But they didn't give me a chance to go to you again; they didn't give me a chance. To let you put your head on your lap for the last time, to see your smiley face for the last time, to make the father's dream of his princess becoming a great doctor come true!!! Hold my throat and hold my throat with all your strength. You know, mother, I tried so hard to survive, but maybe God didn't want me to survive today. I lost to the power of those animals; my neckbone was broken. They left me there like that and went away in that tired way. Everyone came in the morning, but one!! Why can't I talk to anyone? I can see you too. How many times am I calling you? Why can't you hear my call, mother?? Oh mom, mom, go here, see, don't see, mom. Oh mom, this is me. Why are you crying?? What happened to you?? And mom!!! I saw my mother crying in front of a dead body. Seeing the dead body's face, I was shocked. What!!! This is my frozen body!!! Am I dead?? I also started crying; everyone is saddened by my death. The whole world has come to know about my death; everyone is revolting!!! But I stared at my frozen body!! My end could have been better, mom?? Don't look at what they have done to my face and body. Look at it! I want to scream!!! But no one can hear my voice yet. I am shouting in front of so many people, but no one can hear my shout!! No one..

We want action, we want justice.

All Indians are asking Prime Minister Narendra Modi to know, What is the meaning of Beti Padhao Beti Bachao Slogan? When a woman doctor in this country is not protected from rapists? How will we protect our daughters and educate them when our higher authorities at the core of society are failing to ensure their safety? We want action, not just slogans.




Islamic Career: We want action | we want justice for Moumita Debnath.
We want action | we want justice for Moumita Debnath.
This is Moumita Devanath, a 31-year-old doctor from West Bengal and GK Medical College. It's body. 18/20 men! 113 banana stains!
Islamic Career
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