One of the most talented companions of the Prophet (PBUH) was Zayd bin Thabit (RA).
Talented companion of multiple languages. |
"The Prophet (PBUH) instructed him to learn several languages."
One of the most talented companions of the Prophet (PBUH) was Zayd bin Thabit (RA). He served Islam in all its important roles in his illustrious life. He was the scribe of the revelations revealed to the Prophet (PBUH), the Imam of the Qur’an and the Fara’iz, the chief of the compilers of the Quran, and the chief mufti and judge of Medina. He embraced Islam before the Prophet (PBUH) migrated to Medina.
When the Prophet (PBUH) migrated to Medina, he was 11 years old. He started reciting the Quran after embracing Islam. His talent was very sharp. People brought the Prophet (PBUH) to Medina when he moved there and greeted him with the words, "O Messenger of Allah!" You belong to the tribe of Banu Najjar.
And he has memorized the 17 Surahs that were revealed to you.’ Then he recited them to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was very happy. Then he said, ‘Learn the writing of the Jews.’ Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) said, I became proficient in it in 15 days. (Siyar Alamin Nubala 2/428, p. 433; Tahzibul Asma wal-Lugat 1/200-201, p. 186; Tazkiratul Huffaz 1/27-28)
From then on, he began to perform the duties of the scribe of the revelations of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him). Whenever a verse or Surah was revealed, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) would call him and have it written down. So he was always ready with a pen of supplication. Apart from that, he used to write letters of invitation from the Prophet (PBUH) to the kings and emperors of different countries and read the incoming letters to the Prophet (PBUH).
Most of the incoming letters were in Syriac and Hebrew, which were generally not known by Muslims. The Jews knew them.
He mastered Hebrew in just 15 days and Syriac in 17 days.
The Prophet (PBUH) asked Zayd (RA) to learn these two languages. He mastered Hebrew in just 15 days and Syriac in 17 days. Then he used to write letters in those languages and read the incoming letters. In this way, he remained in charge of writing the Prophet (PBUH) until his death. After that, he continued in this role during the caliphates of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA). (Siyaru Alamin Nubala 2/429 p.; Al-Isabah: 2/291 p., No. 2887; At-Tabaqatul Kubra 2/273-274 p.; Al-Isti'ab 2/538 p.; Tahzibul Kamal 10/28 p.)
He also led the work of compiling and verifying the Holy Quran during the era of Caliphs Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA). Zayd (RA) was well-versed in jurisprudence. He also used to issue fatwas during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH). He was one of the 6 companions who issued Fatwas. He held the Fatwa Masnad during the caliphates of four caliphs and the reign of Muawiyah (RA) for five years (until his death). (At-Tabaqatul Kubra 2/275 p.)
In addition, he was the judge of Medina until his death and was the imam of the scriptures of Qirat and Faraiz. (Al-Isabah: 2/292 p.)
Umar (RA) and Uthman (RA) did not give preference to anyone over Zayd in matters of fatwa, judgment, Faraiz, and Qirat. (At-Tabaqatul Kubra 2/274 p., Tazkiratul Huffaz 1/28 p.)
This beloved companion of the Prophet was also more cautious and restrained in narrating Hadiths. As a result, the number of Hadiths he narrated is comparatively less; otherwise, he spent a long time in the company of the Prophet (PBUH), and during that time he must have witnessed many of the words and actions of the Prophet (PBUH); he memorized them. The number of Hadiths narrated from him is 92.
There is considerable disagreement about the year of death of Hazrat Zayd (RA). Allama Ibn Hajar (RA) writes in his book ‘Al-Isaba’ that according to most, he died in 45 AH. The same is the opinion of the renowned historian Allama Waqbidi (RA). At time, he was 56 years old. At the time, Medina's governor was Marwan Ibn Hakam. Zayd (RA) was intimate with him. He was the one who led his funeral prayer. (Source: The Enlightened Life of the Companions)
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