The most favorite time of prayer for a believer is Fajr prayer.
Fajr prayer is most beneficial prayer. |
The most favorite time of prayer for a believer is Fajr prayer. As these prayers are few in number, the benefits of performing them are very high, besides gaining comfort and tranquility.
Because the believer gains the security of Allah by performing the Fajr prayer. But most people abandon it in their sleep. There are many hadiths of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) describing the benefits of Fajr prayer.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 'If they knew the merits of Isha and Fajr prayers, they would have come and joined the (Fajr and Isha) congregation even if they were crawling.' (Muslim).
In another narration of Muslim, the beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, also said, "Whoever prays the Fajr prayer, he remains in the custody of Allah Ta'ala throughout the day." Subhanallah!
Fajr prayer is beneficial prayer that increases people's worship.
As the hadith declares, what can be a better security for a believing servant than the security of Allah?
Fajr prayer is a beneficial prayer that increases people's worship many times. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has given that description in clear terms in Hadith. If one prays Fajr in congregation, he gets the reward of staying awake all night. It is mentioned in the hadith:
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, "Whoever prays Isha in congregation, he gets the reward of half a night of worship." And the person who performs the Fajr prayer with the congregation gets the reward of praying all night. Subhanallah!
What can be more fortunate for a believer?
As a result of performing only two rak'ahs of Fajr prayer in congregation, Allah Ta'ala grants the servant the reward of worshiping all night as well as security for the whole day. What can be more fortunate for a believer?
There are so many announcements in the world that there are special announcements in the hereafter too.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, "Give good news of the full light of the Day of Resurrection to those who walk towards the mosque in the darkness of the night."
That is, on the day when there will be no light except the light of Allah, there will be a special light system for those who walk on a dark path and perform Fajr and Isha prayers.
Good news of Fajr prayer.
So in the light of the hadith, the good news of the Fajr prayer is:
God's security can be obtained.
You can get the reward of worshiping all night, even while sleeping.
The Beloved Prophet also gave the good news of full light on the Day of Judgment.
May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslim Ummah the reward of all-night worship and the security of the whole day by offering half-night and Fajr prayers in congregation regularly.
offering Isha prayers in congregation. Amen
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