Knowledge is a special grace and blessing from Allah Almighty to mankind.
Seeking knowledge is honored by Allah. |
Knowledge is a special grace and blessing from Allah Almighty to mankind. The importance of knowledge in Islam is very high. The first message of the Quran, the heavenly book sent to Muslims, is 'Iqra or read'. That is, acquire knowledge.
It is impossible to separate knowledge from Islam. Knowledge is intertwined in every part of Islam.
It is not possible to practice Islam properly without knowledge. Personal life, family life, social life, state life - knowledge is needed in every field.
The quran is about knowledge.
That's why the first thing in the Quran is about knowledge. Allah says, "Read! In the name of your Lord, who created. He created man from 'alaq'. Read! Your Lord is Great, who taught with the help of the pen. He taught man that which he knew not.’’ (Surah: Al-Alaq, verses: 1-5)
In another verse regarding knowledge, Allah says, ‘He (Allah) created man and taught him the analysis and description of knowledge.’ (Surah: Ar-Rahman, verses: 3-4).
Humanity was chosen as the first of the created beings mainly because of knowledge. Whatever we call superiority, authority, leadership over all other creatures, it has been possible through knowledge. The seeker of knowledge is called ‘Talib-e-Ilm’ in the language of Hadith.
In terms, ‘A person who acquires knowledge in the way shown by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) for the sake of Allah and acts accordingly is called a Talib-e-Ilm.’
There are many verses in the Holy Quran about the status of a seeker of knowledge. Knowledge is a special blessing of Allah. No one can inherit knowledge if he wants to, If Allah does not will. For this, one has to pass the divine selection. And Allah chooses for knowledge only those whose lives He wants to fill with the goodness of this world and the Hereafter. In the narration of Bukhari, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Allah Almighty grants correct knowledge of the religion to whom He wants good.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 71).
Everything seeks forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge.
Another hadith has come about the status of the seeker of knowledge, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Everything seeks forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge. Even the stars in the sky and the fish in the sea ask for forgiveness for him.’ (Musnad Abi Yala: 2/260).
A fan of light is spread under the feet of the seeker of knowledge. Safwan (may Allah be pleased with him) said, I came to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). He was sitting in the mosque. I said to him, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I have come to acquire knowledge. He said, ‘Welcome to the seeker of knowledge. Indeed, the angels surround the seeker of knowledge and shade him with their wings. Then they stand in rows up to the first heaven. They do all this to show respect for the seeker of knowledge.’ (Tabarani Kabir, Hadith: 7347; Majma’uz Jawaid, Hadith: 550).
Angels are not limited to spreading their wings out of respect for the seeker of knowledge and shading him, but the Hadith describes something more wonderful. It is said in the Hadith that the status of the seeker of knowledge is so high that when he walks on the road, the angels spread their wings. It is narrated in Musnad Ahmad that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Verily, the angels love the seeker of knowledge. When they walk on the road, the angels spread their wings. "All creation prays for the seeker of knowledge. Even the stars in the sky and the fish in the sea pray for them." (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 21715; Jame Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2682).
May Allah increase our knowledge. Amen.
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