Importance, Significance, and Do's of Shab-e-Barat.

Allah Ta'ala opens the door of His mercy to the very important and special Shab-e-barat.

Importance, Significance, and Do's of Shab-e-Barat.
Image of Shab-e-Barat

 Allah Ta'ala opens the door of His mercy to the very important and special Shab-e-barat. He pardoned the sinners and freed them from hell. Shab-e-barat means the candle of liberation. In the hadith, the night comes as Lailatun Nisfi Min Shaban.

Regarding this night, it has been mentioned in the hadith, Hazrat Mu'az Ibn Jabal RA. Narrated by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said, "In the middle of Sha'ban night, Allah looks at the creation." Then He forgives His entire creation except the polytheists and the haters.' -Ibn Majah: 1390.

From the narrated hadith, we understand that there are two conditions for obtaining forgiveness on this night.

being free from shirk, and

being free from hatred. Whoever is free from these two things is likely to be forgiven this night.

And if these two things continue, then forgiveness is unforgivable. Sadly, we do a lot for Shab-e-barat but neglect to observe these two conditions.

This glorious night has special virtues.

Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to observe Nafal fast from the first to the 15th of this month. Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, When the middle day of Sha'ban comes, then you should pray Nafl at night and fast during the day. -Ibn Majah

Apart from this, there is Nafal fasting on the 13th, 14th, and 15th days of every month. There are several other hadiths about the virtues of this night. Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa once said, Hazrat Rasulullah SAW. He stood in prayer and prostrated himself so long that I thought he had died.

I then got up and shook his toe; his toe moved. He got up from Sajdah and, after finishing the prayer, looked at me and said, O Ayesha! Do you have this fear? I replied, O Messenger of Allah. I was afraid of your long prostration, whether you died or not. The Prophet S'A'W said, Do you know what night it is? I said, Allah and Allah's Messenger know best.

Then the Prophet He said, This is the night of half-Shaban. In this night, Allah pays attention to his servant; He forgives those who ask for forgiveness; He favors those who seek grace. And left the haters in their condition. Shoabul Iman: 3/382

Hazrat Ayesha. Narrated by the Prophet. On this night, he used to go to the Jannatul Baqi cemetery in Madinah and pray for the dead. He also said, Prophet Karim SAW. He was told that Allah forgives more sinners on this night than the wool of the sheep and goats of Bani Kalb. -Tirmidhi: 739

There is no specific ritual for this night.

However, more Nafal prayers can be performed on this night. There are no restrictions or specific rules. Performing nafal prayers according to ability.

Hazrat Ali, RA. Narrated by him, he said, Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 14 When the night before the day of Sha'ban comes, spend the night in worship. And fast during the day. Because on this day Allah descends to the first sky after sunset and calls, Do you have any apologies? I will forgive him. Are you a resource seeker? I will provide him sustenance. Are you in any danger? I will rescue him. This continues until dawn. -Ibn Majah: 1/444, 1388

It is Sunnah to perform the visitation of the grave and prayers, and prayers alone on this night. Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and none of the companions gathered in the mosque and worshiped formally on this night. Nafal Namaz and Tahajjud Namaz to be performed at home are Sunnah. By doing so, the wife and children are encouraged. However, many people do not have a quiet worship environment in their homes. Allowing them to go to the mosque of their own free will and spend time in worship.

The forbidden things of this night:

Shabbarat is the night of worship, supplication, and repentance. But unfortunately, people have turned the night into a night of feasting and feasting. Eating halwa-rooty, or good food, on this night is nothing but custom. It is a waste to light up houses and graveyards on this night. It is not allowed in Islam. The special lesson of this night is to avoid shirk and hatred.

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Islamic Career: Importance, Significance, and Do's of Shab-e-Barat.
Importance, Significance, and Do's of Shab-e-Barat.
Allah Ta'ala opens the door of His mercy to the very important and special Shab-e-barat.
Islamic Career
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