Nimrod and his consequences: Nimrod also oppressed the common people at one time.
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The consequences of oppression and oppressors over time. |
The consequences of oppression and the oppressors throughout the ages.
(After the last day)
Nimrod and his consequences: Nimrod also oppressed the common people at one time. But he could not do it either. At one time, everything was shattered. Allah Almighty says, Have you not considered the case of the man to whom Allah had given the kingdom, so he disputed with Ibrahim about his Lord (existence)? When Ibrahim said, "He is my Lord, who gives life and causes death." He said, "I give life and cause death." Ibrahim said, "Well, Allah makes the sun rise from the east, so make it rise from the west!" At this, he became an unbeliever and remained silent. And Allah does not guide such wrongdoers. (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 258).
The first person to show arrogance on earth was Nimrod.
He was the one who built the tower towards the sky. Allah sent a mosquito to punish him. It entered his nose. To avoid the mosquito's sting, he was hit on the head with a hammer. His reign was four hundred years. Just as he displayed arrogance on earth for four hundred years, Allah kept him in this punishment for four hundred years. Then he died. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2/878). Many tyrants have been born in the ages. They oppressed and tortured many innocent people in the world. But Allah Almighty did not spare any tyrant. He also caught them severely. He humiliated them extremely. So that the later generations could learn a lesson, He discussed their affairs among the later generations. He mentioned the details of their oppression and torture. Which people still remember with hatred today. The tyrant will not be spared: Man will have to answer for every action he takes. This is certain. In the afterlife, no child of Adam will be able to move a single step without being held accountable. In Islam, all forms of oppression or tyranny are strictly prohibited and forbidden. Not only is oppression forbidden, but also cooperating with oppression and maintaining good relations and closeness with oppressors are forbidden. And this rule is not only for Muslims, but also for any non-Muslim who oppresses. According to Islam, oppression of people is a terrible sin. For this reason, one will have to enter Hell in the afterlife.
We need to remember that oppression, tyranny, torture, and oppression are crimes that Allah generally does not forgive unless the oppressed person (who has been oppressed) forgives the oppressor (the oppressor). The Quran says, And do not incline towards the oppressors, nor be their partners; otherwise the Fire (of Hell) will touch you too (Surah Hud, verse: 113). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Allah gives the oppressor respite for a long time. Finally, when He seizes him, He does not release him." Then he recited this verse, "Likewise is the seizure of your Lord when He seizes the towns that are oppressing them. His seizure is very painful, overwhelming." (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)
Taking away people's rights and misappropriating their wealth is a great injustice.
Due to this kind of oppression, chaos prevails in the whole world. Peace and harmony are being destroyed. The rich oppress the poor, and the powerful oppress the common people out of envy. As a result, various calamities befall the oppressor or wrongdoer. Regarding those who oppress people and deprive them of their due rights, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Verily, Allah will punish those who oppress people unjustly.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2613) The final consequences of oppression: The consequences of oppression are very terrible. Oppression is an act of injustice that Allah will punish even in this world. The judgment of the oppressors will not only be on the Day of Judgment, but Allah will start to reward them for their oppression from this world. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “There are two sins that Allah will punish in this world as well as in the Hereafter. They are oppressing and severing ties of kinship.” (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2511) The main reason for the oppression, injustice, chaos, and instability that exist in society is oppression. Allah has imposed this chaos on people as a result of various injustices done to each other. Allah Almighty says, "The chaos that has appeared on the sea and the land is the result of the actions of man" (Surah Ar-Rum, verse 41). Finally, we pray to Allah Almighty to protect us from the oppression of the oppressors and save us from the curse of the oppressed. Amen.
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